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EX-husband Groveling to Me novel Chapter 15

Jennifer's face was full of disbelief, but a second later, she fell into the pool with a loud thump.

Suny took a look at Jennifer who had fallen into the swimming pool, raised her hand and patted the spot on her hand where Jennifer had touched her, exchanged a glance with Austin who was watching her, then withdrew her eyes and raised her legs to walk inside the hall.

Tina, who had come to look for Jennifer, saw this scene and rushed out in a hurry, raising her hand to stop Suny, "Stand still!"

"Somebody! Somebody help!"

Tina stopped Jennifer, screaming as if Suny had killed someone.

When she shouted like this, everyone inside the hall looked over, quite a few people ran out and looked at Suny who was stopped, and then at Jennifer who fell inside the swimming pool, many people had already started to have a guess in their heads.

Jennifer was woefully pulled up from the pool by her friend. She looked up at Suny, who was being stopped by Tina, and as she was just about to say something, she saw Austin actually walking out as well.

Jennifer pursed her lips for a moment and didn't say anything, she just walked up to Suny wetly and looked at her with a puzzled and aggrieved face, "Miss Holland, I haven't done anything wrong to you, why are you treating me like this?"

Suny looked at Jennifer, who had just gotten up from the swimming pool, but with such a pitiful expression.

There were already people judging, and Tina was like a messenger of justice, even pulling her along, "Don't you dare deny it! I just saw with my own eyes that you were the one who pushed Jennifer into the swimming pool!"

When Tina finished speaking angrily, she saw Austin and seemed to think of something else, "Right! My brother is standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, not far from me, he must have seen it too!"

When Tina said this, many people subconsciously looked at Austin.

Austin did see it clearly.

But he had no intention of getting involved in this matter, but now that Tina had said that, his face was cold.


Jennifer, who was being supported by her friends at the side, suddenly spoke up, and this sounded as if she had finally met someone to help her out after suffering countless grievances.

"You saw it too, didn't you? I really, really didn't do anything to Miss Holland ......"

Just as Jennifer finished speaking, tears flowed out from her eyes.

In this way, people around had concluded that the love rivals met, Suny, the ex-wife still could not move on and lay hands on Austin’s new girlfriend.

Jennifer looked at Austin, her eyes were full of emotion, Suny felt admiration even as she watched.

"Sorry, I didn't see that."

Austin spoke with a cold face, glanced at Jennifer and then looked sideways at Suny who hadn't spoken.

Jennifer stiffened for a moment, Austin's words were cold and heartless, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

Tina, however, was not willing to accept it: "Jennifer, I saw it! I saw this vicious woman kick you into the pool with my own eyes!"

She pointed at Suny with a look of righteous indignation.

Having seen enough drama, Suny did not want to waste any more time, she raised her eyebrows and laughed lightly, "I did kick her down."

When Suny said this, her eyes were arched and her eyebrows were smiling, not even half guilty.

But her face wass so pretty that even when she said such unpleasant things, one could not feel disgusted.


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