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EX-husband Groveling to Me novel Chapter 54

Alicia said the wrong thing and ran away, leaving Suny alone to face Steven.

Steven didn't care, "Our family has been abroad, the villa has hired someone to take care of it on a regular basis, probably because they think we're not coming back, so they hadn’t done a good job in cleaning."

Suny nodded with understanding, "No wonder the internet was disconnected that day."

Steven smiled, "You thought I was the bad guy that day?"

Suny looked at him, took a sip of her juice and shook her head, "That's not true."

She just simply didn't like strangers entering her domain, even though Steven was her neighbour.

Steven didn't continue to ask, Suny didn't have a strong desire to chat for she didn't really like to socialise or make friends.

"I'll go over there and have a seat."

With that, Suny carried the juice and went over to the sofa and sat down by herself.

Alicia had quite a few friends and there were quite a few people here today, most of them knew Suny, but Suny didn't know them, but Alicia had explained that she knew that Suny didn't like to socialise, so she just had to sit there and there wasn't much for anyone to bother her.

Kevin and Louis came late, and when they saw Suny, Kevin gave his gift to Alicia and came over, "Suny, you're quite early."

Suny gave him a look, "Just ten minutes before you."

Kevin brought her a new glass of juice, "You are very busy at the end of the year, right?"

Suny laughed, "Are you trying to get some ideas again?"

Kevin touched his nose in embarrassment, "I heard from Alicia that you bought a yacht."

Suny thought he wanted to go sailing, "It's so cold this day, you probably don't want to go sailing."

Kevin knew that she had misunderstood and explained, "No, I just want to... I just want to borrow your yacht to take a picture."

Suny looked askance at him, "I don't have the key here, I'll give you a number, just contact him when you use it."

Saying that, Suny gave Xander's number to Kevin.

Kevin wrote it down, "Thank you, Suny!"

Suny took back her phone, "Alicia is really good at using resources."

For a photo shoot, in order to cut down on expenses, she had even used her newly bought yacht that hadn't been to sea once yet.

"Alicia is trying to save expenses for the company."

Suny grunted, "Alright, you go and play."

Kevin knew that Suny did not like to be disturbed by bystanders, so then got up and left.

By this time, people had almost arrived and Alicia had someone take out the cake and prepare to cut it.

Suny got up and just walked over, Alicia pulled her over as soon as she could: "Suny, come, in the new year I hope to earn a tenth of what you earn."

Suny couldn't help but laugh.

Alicia said: "Hmph, there's no guarantee that I won't even earn a tenth of what you earn."

The people who had come today were all quite close to Alicia and knew that Suny was really not short of money, so although they were curious about Alicia's comment, they all had the sense not to ask any questions.


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