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EX-husband Groveling to Me novel Chapter 69

The vase instantly fell to the ground and shattered into two pieces.

Suny hit the cupboard where the vase was kept, and her waist hurt from the impact.

Elijah did not expect Rachel to be so bold, this vase was something that Dorothy had spent a lot of effort to find.

As soon as the vase hit the ground, Rachel shrieked, "Oh my God! What are you doing? Can’t you stand still?"

She made a pre-emptive strike, concluding that there were only three people at the scene, and Elijah was her own cousin, who wouldn't prefer to help an outsider rather than her.

Suny actually knew what Rachel wanted to do when Rachel asked her to go there to take photos, she had just seen that there was a camera in front of her, the angle was such that when she came over here, the camera only saw her stumbling towards the vase and could not capture Rachel pushing her from behind.

Rachel kept screaming and cursing and Elijah couldn't bear to hear her and pulled her.

Rachel glared at Elijah: "What are you pulling me for? This vase was broken by her!"

At this time, Ivy, who was originally in the living room on the second floor, came running down: "Rachel, what are you calling for? What happened?"

When she saw Ivy, Rachel hurriedly complained, "Mom, Dad's vase was pushed over by her!"

Ivy saw the vase broken into two pieces on the ground and her face changed, "What the hell is going on here? This vase..."

"What else could it be? It's just her! She wanted to take a picture and post it to her friends, so she came over here to take the picture, but she didn't stand properly and jumped straight at the vase!"

After that, Rachel snorted, "I wonder if she did it on purpose!"

The vase was Dorothy's treasure, it was just placed at the door, but in fact Dorothy personally cleaned it, and no one else could touch it except himself.

As for why it was placed at the door, it was because Dorothy wanted to see the vase every day when he came back!

Even if Ivy didn't want to make a big deal out of it, it was now out of her hands.

Her face instantly turned cold: "Miss Holland, I'm afraid it's a bit troublesome."

At this time, Suny, who had been silent, spoke up, "Do you want me to compensate?"

Rachel said, "Compensate? Can you afford to pay for more than three million? Besides! This vase is unique, so what if you can afford to pay for it, can you buy back the exact same one?"

"I shouldn't have taken you on a tour, after all these years, you still are green and inexperienced!"

Elijah frowned, "Rachel, that's too much!"

"What's too much? It's not like I broke the vase, if she had been able to stand still, would the vase have broken?"

Although Rachel was still shattering, her voice was getting smaller and smaller when she saw Elijah's face, she was afraid that Elijah would expose her.

Suny looked at Elijah with a wry smile and said indifferently, "I really am green and inexperienced."

Hearing that Suny was calm and unruffled, with no admission of fault, Ivy could not suppress it: "Miss Holland, the vase is broken, it is your responsibility. Rachel is right, you do have to compensate, as to how to compensate, that will be up to my husband to decide."

Suny snorted, just at that time, the mobile phone inside her bag suddenly rang.

She looked at Ivy: "Excuse me, Mrs. Murray, I'll take a call."

Ivy's face was very bad, but she had to agree.


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