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Ex-husbands love novel (Sharon and Fameson) novel Chapter 19

The gossiping raged on across the Internet, to the extent that even Sharon's family background had been uncovered.

However, there was still little information about that legendary rich man; even his last name was unknown to the public.

Lance was working on an emergency meeting to try to settle the incident as soon as possible.

However, this incident was clearly manipulated by someone.

As soon as they withdrew the tag from the trending topics, some paid posters would use other keywords to discuss Sharon heated.

These netizens seemed to keep attacking Sharon on the Internet until she was done for.

Lumiere Jewelry could see that the attack was obviously aimed at Sharon, so they intended to settle it by canceling the contract with her.

However, Lumiere Jewelry had been wrongly labeled, and things had got tougher.

If they just canceled the contract with her, those keyboard warriors would definitely accuse them of doing it out of guilty conscience.

If that was the case, Lumiere Jewelry's reputation would be ruined.

Lance hadn’t come out of his office all afternoon.

In the meeting room, Sharon looked at the evil denunciation against her on the Internet and suddenly felt like she had millions of fans.

Even though they were all anti-fans.

This incident was actually very simple.

She could even blind guess who was deliberately messing with her.

After all, only a few people knew her and were aware that she had been married.

Moreover, this poster even knew the casino that Josh frequently visited.

Strangely enough, he only spoke ill of her and let the rich man off the hook.

It was clear that he knew both her and Jameson.

The poster wanted to attack her but did not dare to expose Jameson's identity.

That was why he branded her as a homewrecker.

Jameson had never been married before, so no one would associate the incident with him.

At the same time, in the president's office of the Proctor Group.

Jameson scanned through the so-called leaked stuff on the Internet indifferently, "Has Lumiere Jewelry responded?"

"Not yet.Probably it is beyond their expectation, and they don't know what to do now."

Jameson did not say anything.

No one knew what he was thinking.

Jacob said, "Mr.Proctor, although this incident has no direct impact on us, Ms.Allyson’s identity has been leaked.It is hard to guarantee that we will not be involved in this incident."

"Go on.” 

"We've worked together with Lumiere Jewelry before, and we keep a good tie with them.If we can help them out by silencing the gossipers before it was too late, not only can Ms.Allyson escape unscathed, but Lumiere Jewelry will owe us a favor."

Jacob said most priggishly, "In all respects, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

Jameson nodded yes as he closed the page on his computer, "Ask the public relations department to cope with it.’’ 


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