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Ex-wife, Please Come Back novel Chapter 368

Jacob sat in the car peculiarly expressionless. The driver held his breath, afraid of annoying him. The driver realized Jacob was an arrogant man. Earlier, he had dared to joke with him.

But now he was reminded where he belonged. Jacob was after all a CEO and he had to put on his best behavior in front of him. If he showed any sort of carelessness, his job would be at stake.

When they arrived at the company, the driver sat holding back his breath. Once Jacob got off, he released his breath. The driver couldn't help but notice that Jacob had looked like a cold devil.

'Something definitely happened, ' he mused, unable to get Jacob's expression out of his mind. Once he was certain that his boss had entered the company, the driver's curiosity got the best of him. He decided to inquire about the matter with the security guard.

"What happened, buddy? Mr. Jacob looks a little vexed." As the driver spoke, he took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed one to the security guard.

"You don't know what's the matter? I thought as Mr. Jacob's driver, you will be far more well-informed than anyone else. It looks like I was mistaken,"

the security guard said, teasing the driver. The driver often acted arrogantly in front of everyone else. Hence, this piece of information gave the security guard something to laugh about. Making use of this opportunity, he snickered.

A little exasperated, the driver said, "Well, you have made a mistake. I may often stay with Mr. Jacob, but I know very little about him." As he spoke, his face turned crimson with embarrassment.

But the truth was, he knew nothing. He had acted quite arrogantly before.

But now he guessed that the cleaning staff had more information about Mr. Jacob than he did.

"Buddy, you have come to the wrong person. The information you want is all over the newspaper. So go ahead and find it out for yourself."

The security guard had no desire to spell it out for this man. In fact, he was afraid that would get him into trouble. Truth be told, he didn't think of this news as a big deal.

Company CEOs were rich men. They often had affairs with many women. Nothing about it looked out of the ordinary to him. If anything, he would be surprised if they didn't have affairs.

Besides, Mr. Jacob was a divorced man now. What he did hardly sounded like the wrong thing.

People at present blamed him for being an irresponsible man. However, he thought the news would soon subside. There were a lot of women who vied for Jacob's attention. Perhaps those women had some ulterior motive. Jacob's title made him appealing to them.

Even winning his attention was like a victory for them. All in all, he had girls willing to give their lives to him.

The driver went back to the car and eagerly held the newspaper. After scanning a little, his eyes fell on the news about Jacob. Shocked, it suddenly dawned upon him why Jacob had gone to visit Sara early this morning.

As if he couldn't believe his own eyes, he read it twice. What would happen next was inevitable.

As soon as Jacob stepped into his company, lots of burning eyes were fixed on him. Even the receptionist, who was always warm to him, looked at him differently.

Normally whenever he entered the company, he would receive welcoming looks from people. Every now and then, he would also catch people gazing at him in awe.

But today, Jacob could tell there was no warmth in any of their expressions. As soon as their eyes caught him, they began to whisper about him.

Bewildered, Jacob looked around. He couldn't understand why they were all acting so oddly.

On a closer look, he even noticed a few disdainful sneers on some faces.

"Who could tell a devil resides behind that handsome face," someone said, glancing at him.

"I really thought he was a good man. But it turns out I was wrong. Only a handful of men are good," another one said.

"Stop it guys! This is none of our business. We could get into trouble for gossiping," a third person said.

"Fine! Let's get back to work!"

Such were the talks that took place in the company.


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