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Facade of Love (Yvette Scott and Idris Young) novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Lucas Is Dead

Facing Lucascold and threatening demeanor, 1 instinctively took a step back 

Despite the fierce fire burning in the cabin behind him, Lucas seemed unfazed. Suddenly, his dark eyes narrowed at me with a hint of a smile

He quickly got up from the ground and strode toward me, grabbing my hand and polling me into his arms. Looking up at Officer Jackson and Idris on the opposite yacht, he smirked. Since I can’t escape, taking a woman with me to the netherworld isn’t a bad idea.” 

Saying this, he pulled me toward the blazing cabin, even kicking over all the oil drums on the deck. In an instant, the black oil met the flames, and a fierce fire engulfed the entire deck and cabin

Lucas dragged me into the sea of fire. The pungent smoke was suffocating, and I could not breathe

Through the flames, I thought I saw Idris leap from the opposite yacht, rushing toward us

I wanted to tell him to leave; Lucas clearly intended to take me down with him. His arrival would only result in more loss of life. But the thick smoke choked my words

Lucas saw Idris running toward us too. His smile grew as he hoarsely whispered in my ear, Yvette, it seems we won’t be lonely on the road to the netherworld.” 

Watching Idris approach, my eyes reddened. I had inhaled too much smoke and was struggling to breathe. With the last of my strength, I pushed Lucas away and shouted at Idris, “Idris, have you lost your mind?” 

Idris had already reached me. As he saw Lucas staggering in the fire, he grabbed me, trying to lead me 

to safety

However, Lucas suddenly caught me, holding a burning piece of wood in his hand and swinging it at Idris. Fortunately, Idris was agile and managed to dodge him

Taking advantage of Lucasdistraction, Idris pushed me out of the cabin. I stumbled a few steps and stood firm, only to hear Officer Jackson’s panicked voice from the opposite yacht, Get away quickdy, that yacht is about to explode!” 

The fire was too intense. After Idris pushed me out of the cabin, all I could see inside were the raging flames. I could not make anyone out, be it Idris or Lucas

Realizing the yacht was about to explode, I trembled in panic, shouting Idris’s name into the cabin, but only the fierce wind and thick smoke on the sea answered me 

Just as I tried to go back in for Idris, he emerged from the cabin, covering his mouth and nose with his clothes. Before I could say anything, he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear, Let’s go!” 


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