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Facade of Love (Yvette Scott and Idris Young) novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183 Gaining Sympathy 


Moore had attempted suicide

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Sweety was the first to speak, her disbelief evident. Moore attempted suicide? She would do that? That’s crazy.” 

I pursed my l*ps, composed myself, and said to Charles, If Idris isn’t at the company, he’s probably at the hospital. Maybe check Madam Young’s room. He might be talking with her and set his phone to silent.” 

Charles nodded and went to Madam Young’s room

After saying goodbye to us, Zoe followed him

With them gone, Sweety turned to me and asked, Should we go and see?” 

I shook my head. As the elevator arrived, I helped her in

Seeing my composed demeanor, Sweety hesitated before asking, Yvette, do you think Moore really attempted suicide?” 

I shook my head, my expression neutral. I don’t know.” 

She continued, Why would she attempt suicide? It doesn’t seem like her.Then, as if a lightbulb went off, she said, Right, it can’t be a suicide attempt. She must be playing the victim, trying to gain sympathy from the Youngsfamily to make her way in.” 

I did not respond. As we reached our floor, I helped her out of the elevator. Noticing my silence, Sweety whispered, Yvette, do you think Idris will soften?” 

I suddenly stopped and looked at her. She was taken aback. What’swhat’s wrong?” 

I’m divorced from him. His matters don’t concern me,I said, then continued guiding her out

IShe choked for a moment, then sighed. Okay, I was just curious and wanted to gossip. If you don’t like it, I won’t talk about it.” 

I smiled faintly and glanced at her. You’ve been posting beautiful photos and showing off literary skills on social media lately. What’s up? Got someone you like?” 


She paused, looking guilty as she hobbled toward the car. Did you think posting beautiful photos means I have someone I like? Can’t I just admire myself?” 

As I followed her and helped her into the car, then took my place in the driver’s seat and started the car, I said lightly, There’s nothing wrong with having someone you like, as long as it’s reasonable, emotional, and legal. After all, I’ve been married and divorced, and Mr. Taters is probably urging you to get married.” 

She looked out the window, her expression hidden from me. All I heard was her faint response, “Who can be clear about liking someone? Besides, you know I don’t want to get married. I’ll stick to my 

Chapter 183 Gaining Sympathy 

usual, dating without marriage, enjoying myself without responsibility.” 


Regarding her views on love, I did not comment and simply said, Enjoy dating, but make sure not to hurt anyone. You don’t want to cause trouble.” 

She hummed in agreement. Got it. What trouble could there be? Who says only men can flirt around without commitment? Hmph, I’m the same. I can see all the handsome men I want, but I’m not getting married. Whoever wants to should just go ahead and do it, but I won’t.” 

I laughed, helplessly saying, Don’t give me your skewed logic. I just want to remind you, it’s fine to like handsome men, but just keep your boundaries. And don’t think I don’t know that despite all your 

talk over the years, you haven’t really dated anyone.” 

Having grown up together, I knew her pretty well. Over the years, she had always been vocal about handsome guys, claiming to have slept with themhundreds of times in her mind, but in reality, she 


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