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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 269

Justin paused for a moment, then quickly realized she had misunderstood something. He seemed flustered and hurriedly explained, "Grace, don't misunderstand. Vivian and I are just friends."

Grace was taken aback for a moment, glancing at Vivian. She lowered her gaze slightly, a hint of desolation fleeting across her eyes. She could tell that Vivian had feelings for Justin.

A moment later, Vivian lifted her head and smiled at Grace. She joked, "Yeah, if we were going to get involved, we would have been together since high school. I still don't have a boyfriend now, Grace. Do you have any quality single guys around you that you could introduce to me?" Vivian deftly defused the awkwardness.

After dinner, Justin escorted Grace home first. Grace waved goodbye to both of them. Vivian asked, "I haven't been out much since I returned. How about we go singing together next time?"

Grace looked a bit hesitant. "Vivian, I'm sorry, but I still have to care for my child."

Grace's words leave Vivian open-mouthed. "Child? What child?"

"Didn't Justin tell you?" Grace explained, "I have a child who is just over a month old. So going to places like KTV might not be convenient for me."

Vivian fell silent for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Okay, then... how about we go shopping together when you're free next time?"


"Let's exchange WhatsApp contacts then. Goodbye," Vivian waved her phone at her.

Justin then drove Vivian home. Vivian glanced at Justin, her words on the tip of her tongue. In her mind, she replayed the scene from the dinner, where Justin had attentively served her food and Grace's words. Despite Justin's gentle demeanor towards everyone, Vivian couldn't shake the feeling that his attitude towards Grace differed.

Justin noticed her gaze and turned to her, smiling. "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Chapter 269 1


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