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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102

The next day, Elaina was woken up by Saul’s phone call.

“Saul, it’s too early! Can’t you let me sleep in?” When Elaina picked up the phone, she was displeased.

Saul, who was on the phone, was stunned. He was surprised, but he quickly came back to his senses. “You didn’t sleep well last night?”

Elaina had a reason for her bad sleep. Last night, Jalen’s face was always in her mind. She couldn’t even fall asleep!

“What’s the matter?” Elaina took a deep breath and controlled her emotions.

“Aren’t you going to Nitzan’s birthday banquet today? I’ll take you to do some styling in the morning.” Saul was aggrieved. After so many years, Elaina was the first woman to enjoy such a service.

This chance was so rare, but Elaina did not care at all.

Elaina facepalmed and almost could not control her anger. “If I remember correctly, the birthday party will start at night. Why are you taking me to the styling so early? Are you crazy?”

“Don’t you need a whole day for the styling?” Saul said.

“I don’t know how long it will take for others, but I’ll be quick,” Elaina said. “You don’t have to worry about the styling. I will handle it myself.”

“Then… how about getting up and having breakfast?” At this moment, Saul was already outside the apartment building. He was unwilling to leave without seeing Elaina.

“No need!” With that, Elaina hung up the phone.

She fell asleep again.

Outside the apartment building, Saul looked at the disconnected call and was at a loss.

It was rare for him to spend so much time styling for a woman, but Elaina just rejected him.


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