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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105

“Did she really grow up in the countryside?”

Jalen thought, Elaina is the internationally famous Dr. Gainsford, and she is also Mr. Dorthea’s last disciple. Both identities suggest that she is not a simple woman at all!

When Nitzan heard Jalen’s words, he was a little puzzled. “What do you mean?”

Jalen did not hide anything. He told Nitzan about those two identities of Elaina. He thought, Nitzan is going to find out after the party tonight anyway. I might as well tell him, so he’s prepared.

However, after hearing Jalen’s words, Nitzan was not as surprised as Jalen had imagined. Instead, Nitzan looked gloomy, and he was deep in thought.

After a long time, Nitzan said, “Ella … is bound not to be a simple woman.”

Nitzan thought, it turns out that he didn’t lie to me. She is destined to be extraordinary thanks to the genes in her blood. That family has always been gifted.

“Nitzan, why do I feel that you are implying something?” Jalen was not stupid. After hearing his words, Nitzan was not surprised at all. Instead, Nitzan had the kind of look on his face, as if he was saying, “That makes sense.” Seeing that, Jalen knew that Nitzan was hiding something about Elaina from him.

Nitzan sighed and slowly said, “Don’t sweat over it now. Your priority right now is to think of a way to make Ella accept you again.”


“Enough. Get down. I don’t want anything to go wrong with tonight’s birthday party,” Nitzan interrupted Jalen and waved at him.

Jalen could only nod and leave, but he became suspicious.

He thought, Nitzan insisted that I marry Elaina back then. Was it simply because of the commitments between the two families?

It was six o’clock.

Saul showed up downstairs at Elaina’s place on time.

He was wearing a dark grey suit today. He was always flashy usually, yet today, he looked much more low–key.

When Elaina saw him, she couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows. “I didn’t know you took today’s banquet so seriously.”


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