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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Graham sounded so clear and logical, and his words, as far as Jalen was concerned, were reasonable. His anger resulting from being ignored by Elaina became less

Jalen chuckled and said, “Is that so? What am I supposed to do, then?”

“There is nothing to do. Let time do the trick,” Graham said.

“Be more specific

“What I’m saying is that as long as you persevere, you will move Ms. Gainsford eventually,” Graham smiled awkwardly.

Jalen thought, really?

Why do I feel that Elaina’s heart is made of steel? I can’t move her no matter what I do.

Besides, there are so many men around her. There were Theodore and Saul, and now there is

Jaydon. Though Jaydon hasn’t done or said anything, I just know it. He likes Elaina.

Maybe this is the so-called men’s intuition.

In the hospital, after listening to Elaina explaining his father’s condition, Jaydon realized how critical the situation was. He immediately felt more grateful to her

“Thank you so much Without you, my father might have passed away,” he said sincerely

“You have already thanked me. Don’t mention it.” Elaina waved her hand

“I don’t know how to thank you,” he said.

“You don’t have to do anything. Go see your father,” Elaina said

Jaydon nodded and got up. Just as he reached the door, he suddenly stopped “Ms Gainsford, are you free tonight? Let’s have dinner together. Consider it my way of thanking you

“No need. As I said, this is what I should do,” Elaina frowned and turned him down.


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