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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Get Boys

At eight o’clock in the evening, Jalen came back from his company and saw Alisha standing outside the Halton’s Residence.

“What are you doing here?” Jalen got out of his car and walked over with a complicated expression.

In fact, Jalen could more or less figure out the reason. The current situation of the Lory family was known to everyone in New York. There was only one reason why Alisha came.

At that moment, Alisha looked a little messy. Her eyes were red as she looked at Jalen who stood in front of her. “Jalen, could you help the Lory family for once?”

“Let’s get in and talk.” Jalen did not agree directly.

However, Alisha did not move. She stood where she was. “I won’t go in. I came here today just to ask for your help.”

Hearing that, Jalen did not insist. He looked at Alisha and said after a long time, “Sorry, Allie, I can’t help you.”

“Jalen, if you don’t help the Lory family, my father will marry me to the Stein family and exchange my lifelong happiness for the cooperation between the two families. Even so, can’t you help me once?”

Alisha looked at Jalen pleadingly, hoping that Jalen could help her once.

Jalen frowned and said solemnly, “Don’t worry, I will not let you marry into the Stein family.”

Jalen could not help the Lory family, but he could help Alisha not marry into the Stein family. Jalen believed he was able to do so.

However, it was not what Alisha wanted.

“Is this really the only way?” She looked at Jalen, who stood in front of her, and felt he was a complete stranger.

Perhaps it was because Alisha had never truly understood Jalen.

“Allie, although the police did not find out anything about you, you and I both know why Marcus died. I have already done my best to not make a move against you.” Jalen felt conflicted being put in a place where he had to make a choice between Elaina, someone he loved, and Alisha, his friend ever since childhood.

Before, Jalen already felt bad that he did not help Elaina. If he helped the Lory family now, he would

Chapter 161


push Elaina away from him.

Alisha did not explain herself. She knew that the truth of Marcus’ death could not be hidden from

Jalen, and she was sure that Jalen would not do anything to her. So Alisha dared to frame Elaina.

Then Alisha lowered her head and cried softly.

The question came so suddenly that Jalen did not know how to answer.


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