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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 166


Chapter 166

In the afternoon, Elaina was skipping over the news again and found it still a hot topic on the Internet. The Lory family admitted that Jalen and Alisha were about to get married in public, which directly made it the most trending topic.

Elaina held her mobile phone and looked at the comments on the Internet about it. Almost all of them said that they were a good match. Most of the comments were blessings. The comments on the Internet were much more friendly compared with the period when Elaina was married to Jalen.

Elaina chuckled and turned off the phone. What was she doing?

What did Jalen’s marriage have to do with her? Did she have to think about it all morning?

In the Halton Group, some staff brought Graham into the resting room and gossiped about the matter, “Mr. Reilly, is Mr. Halton indeed going to marry the daughter of the Lory family?”

“I don’t know either.” Graham had mixed feelings. He never knew that his colleagues were so interested in gossip.

“You are Mr. Halton’s assistant. You are the only one who knows the best about him. Just tell us about it. We promise not to tell anyone else!” Someone was unwilling to move on easily and thought that Graham was just covering the truth. As Jalen’s assistant, Graham must have known about it well.

“Well… I indeed have no idea about it.” Even if Graham knew about it, he would never tell them, unless he was not afraid of being fired by Jalen.

Jalen was still angry. If Graham dared to speak nonsense in public, he would be seriously

punished. Graham could easily expect a terrible result.

“Mr. Reilly, just tell us about it!”

“Yes, tell us the truth…”

“It seems that you are all free now, so you may need more work, don’t you?”

Someone suddenly spoke seriously from behind, and it became quiet in the resting room.

Graham turned around and saw Jalen standing at the door. He greeted Jalen nervously, “Mr.


Jalen ignored him and glanced at the crowd in the resting room. “I recruited you here to work

rather than gossip!”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Halton…” everyone whispered, not daring to look into Jalen’s eyes.


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