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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 185

Chapter 185

In the hole, Elaina followed the sound of crying and found the two kids.

They were so lucky that they were in the corner, which formed a stable triangular area. Therefore, they had not been crushed by the collapsed houses.

Elaina walked over and said softly, “Lilly, Corey, have you been hurt?”

When the kids heard the voice, they were shocked. However, when they saw Elaina, they began to cry.


The kids bent over and crawled to Elaina. When she hugged them, they burst into tears.

Elaina caressed the kids until they calmed down. Then, she said, “Are you hurt?”

The kids shook their heads, but tears welled up in their eyes again. “Dad and Mom are there…”

Elaina looked in the direction they pointed. There was a collapsed wall. It seemed that Sam and his wife were in another room.

Elaina had not heard Sam and his wife’s voice since she went in. She knew Sam and his wife would die if they could not be saved immediately.

Thinking of that, Elaina said to the kids, “I will take you out first and come back to save your dad and mom. Okay?”

“Okay.” The kids nodded.

Elaina carried Lilly up and walked to the entrance of the hole. Then, she went back to carry Corey.

“Elaina, will Dad and Mom be fine?” Corey was five years old. He nestled in Elaina’s arms. He was more sensible than Lilly, who was three old. years

Elaina said to Corey solemnly, “I will do my best to save your mom and dad. They will also do their best. They must want to see you and Lilly.”

Corey nodded and said nothing more.

When they were about to reach the entrance, there came a rumbling sound. Elaina immediately crouched in the corner with Corey in her arms.


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