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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 200

Chapter 200

After sending Elaina, Corey, and Lily back to Kemp Apartment, Jalen rushed to the company immediately.

When Jalen had been away these days, many business affairs had piled up. In addition to the news of Corey’s death, many people were trying to trick Corey. Corey wanted to take the opportunity to deal with those people who had bad intentions.

Elaina had just arrived at the apartment, Theodore and Andrew came and knocked on the door.

Corey opened the door for them. Corey looked at Theodore and Andrew with confusion. Corey asked, “Hello, who are you looking for?”

“You…” Andrew was shocked and took two steps back. Andrew looked up at the door number and said, “The door number is right. Ella lives here.”

“Andrew.” Elaina walked to the door and she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Seeing this, Andrew sighed with relief. Andrew said, “I thought I knocked on the wrong door.”

“Come in first.” Elaina pulled Corey to the side and made way for Andrew and Theodore.

Theodore gazed at Corey and couldn’t help asking, “Who is this?”

Before Elaina replied, Lily woke up and walked out of the room. Lily asked, “Corey, who is it?”

Andrew and Theodore got frightened. They looked at Elaina with doubt and seemed to wait for her explanation.

Elaina called Lilly over to her side. They walked to the sofa and sat down. Then Elaina told Andrew and Theodore about what had happened these days.

When hearing that Corey and Lily had lost their parents, Andrew and Theodore felt empathy for them. Andrew and Theodore couldn’t help thinking of their parents.

“You brought them back because you wanted to find an adopted family for them, am I right?” Theodore asked.


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