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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 231

Chapter 231

After the question was asked, everyone, shocked, turned to look at Elaina. It seemed that everyone was curious as well.

Elaina was actually okay to admit to all the identities she had, well, except for her being Jalen’s ex-wife, which made her very speechless.

Elaina thought, does that even matter? Why does everyone care about that?

Sensing that everyone’s eyes were on her, Elaina had no choice but to nod. “Yes, I am.”

“Oh my gosh!” The girl who asked the question cried out in disbelief before apologizing, “Sorry, I got carried away.”

Hearing this, Elaina thought, what is to get carried away about?

Elaina was perplexed.

No one had expected that Elaina, the young girl in front of them, would have so many titles, and

each one of them was badass enough.

“Then I’ll stay.” The girl who asked the question spoke right away, thinking that Elaina would for sure keep the company afloat or even make it a better one, and that was an opportunity that she

should seize.

Then people started to echo. Most people chose to stay, but there were a few who decided to leave


For those who chose to leave, they thought, Elaina is not business material. Plus, she has just dismissed all the designers from the company, which means that there is no one to design anymore. It would be a wonder if she could keep the company running. I’d better claim compensation and find another company.

In the end, one-third of the staff chose to leave. Looking at the remainder, Elaina nodded with satisfaction. It was better than she expected.

“Thank you all for staying. Please trust me. I will not disappoint you!” She made a promise.

Just as everyone got excited, envisioning a great future ahead of them under Elaina’s leadership, someone pushed open the door.

A few people stormed in angrily. And soon, their eyes rested on Elaina, who was sitting at the head

of the table.

Elaina frowned, thinking, well, it’s true that I didn’t know about that. Before, I was just a consumer. How am I supposed to know that clothes have to be approved by the Fashion Designers’ Association

to be on the market?


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