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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Elaina arrived at Theodore’s villa. She had the password and opened the door directly.

Andrew and Theodore were in the living room. Elaina’s presence surprised them, whose faces. showed different emotions soon.

Andrew was happy. He stood up and walked to Elaina. “Ella, what brought you here late at night? Do you miss me?”

Theodore also walked to Elaina. He looked unhappy and more anxious.

Elaina did not reply. Andrew felt that something was wrong and became serious. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

Elaina shook her head and said to him, “Andrew, go to bed. I have something to ask Theodore.”

Suddenly, Andrew seemed to have thought of something. His face went green. “Well, call me if you

need me.”

Then, he went upstairs after throwing a glare at Theodore.

Theodore forced a bitter smile. He had wondered why Elaina had come and was now quite sure

about the reason.

Andrew quickly left, leaving Theodore and Elaina in the living room. The mood here became


After a long time, Theodore braced himself and said, “Sit down. You can’t just stand there.”

Elaina remained silent. She walked over and sat down. With such a familiar person before her, she could not help but feel heart-wrenching.

“Theodore, Sue came to see me earlier.” She said in a faint and sorrowful voice.

Theodore unconsciously tightened his grip on the cup. Sure enough, it was as he had imagined.

“Is what she said… true?” After a while, Elaina could not help but ask. If she did not figure it out, she was afraid that she would not be able to sleep well anymore.

“What did she say?” Theodore picked up the glass of water and took a sip.


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