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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 249

Chapter 249

As Elaina spoke, she became more and more enthusiastic, and the original vague concept gradually became clear. Elaina seemed to have found the style she wanted.

Before Elaina could finish her breakfast, she walked to the desk, picked up a pencil, and began to draw without stopping for a moment.

Not long after, a complete design was presented to Jalen.

Jalen found that the design was novel. This was indeed different from most high-end fashion brands in the city today.

“How is it? Will you buy it?” Elaina could not help but ask Jalen. After all, there was only one person here.

Jalen shook his head. Elaina was immediately disappointed. Jalen then said, “I won’t buy it, but my girlfriend should.”

Elaina felt it was funny.

“The style is very popular with young people and is suitable for a girl in her twenties. Are you sure these people can afford your clothes?” Jalen reminded Elaina. After all, imagination was one thing, and reality was another.

Elaina was very confident about this. She raised her eyebrows and said confidently, “A girl in her twenties can also have money. Even in her twenties, she can still afford the things she likes.”

“What’s more, these rich, young girls in New York are all in their twenties.”

Rich people also had daughters. Their sons would also have girlfriends, so Elaina felt that her design would be quite popular.

Jalen did not refute. After all, Elaina’s words were indeed reasonable. “Well, then you can try. Maybe this is a good road.”

As long as Elaina was happy, Jalen would support her. Even if Elaina failed, Jalen could help her. It was not a big deal.

Elaina did not know what Jalen was thinking. Elaina did not think that she would fail.

After having a clear position, Elaina came up with much inspiration. Elaina did not have time to care about Jalen. She lowered her head and drew seriously. She did not care if Jalen was going or


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