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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 254

Chapter 254

At Kemp Apartment.

Andrew looked at Theodore, who refused to move forward, and said resignedly, “Are you really not going? We’re already downstairs. Why don’t you go up and see Ella?”

“She doesn’t want to see me.” Theodore did not tell Andrew that he had gone to see Elaina this morning, Theodore knew her attitude towards him.

“If she doesn’t want to see you, why don’t you go and see her?” Andrew laughed angrily, grabbed his arm, and dragged Theodore into the apartment.

As Andrew dragged him, he said, “You were in the wrong. If you don’t show your attitude, how can Ella forgive you?”

“Theodore, I suggest you tell Ella sincerely that you don’t like her anymore. In the future, you will treat her as your sister. Wouldn’t that be fine?”

The three of them had grown up together, so Andrew really did not want the relationship between the three of them to be affected.

Therefore, Andrew had been trying hard to persuade Theodore to give up on his feelings for Elaina. He had also taken Theodore to find Elaina, hoping that they could let go of their past grudges.

Theodore did not say anything. He didn’t want to give up his feelings for Elaina. Even if he wanted to, he could not do it.

How could people give up his love so easily?

Furthermore, Theodore had liked Elaina for more than a decade. How could he give up it?

Whether Theodore was willing or not, he was still pulled to the door of Elaina’s house by Andrew. “Theodore, did you hear what I just told you?”

Theodore replied perfunctorily. In fact, he did not intend to say anything to Elaina.

When the doorbell rang, the door quickly opened. Elaina looked at Andrew who was at the door and said happily, “Andrew? Why did you suddenly come? You didn’t tell me in advance.”

“Do I need to make an appointment in advance? Or do you hide a man at home, afraid that I will find out?” Andrew smiled and pulled Theodore over, letting Elaina see him.


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