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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260


Theodore said seriously, “I might have to leave for a while. Ella will be under your care for the time being. You will take good care of her, right?”

Andrew froze and turned to look at the man standing in front of him. “Leave? Where are you going?”

“There is something wrong with the company’s foreign business. I want to go and take a look,” Theodore replied.

Andrew rolled his eyes at him. “Isn’t it just a business trip? I thought you were going to leave us behind.”

“There are a lot of things over there. I might not come back in a short time,” Theodore continued.

Andrew, who was already relieved, frowned again. Andrew looked at Theodore and could see the seriousness in his eyes. Theodore was not joking.

Andrew got up from the bed and stood in front of Theodore with anger. “Why? You are escaping!”

He was not stupid. There was only one reason why Theodore suddenly said that he wanted to leave.

Theodore must have had an unhappy talk with Elaina last night.

“Maybe. If I continue to stay here, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to control my feelings for Ella.” Theodore did not deny it.

“I just found out that my love had already hurt her, so I wanted to leave for a while. Perhaps when I come back, I will have completely let go of my feelings for Ella, and she will forget it.”

Theodore did not want to leave, and he did not want to part with Elaina for a long time.

However, he had no choice. As long as he saw Elaina, he would not be able to control his affection for her.

Andrew wanted to persuade Theodore. Andrew wanted to say that there was no need to do so. The relationship between Theodore and Elaina had not reached that point yet.

However, when he was about to say that, Andrew stopped and sighed, “You have already made your decision, haven’t you?”

“Yes. I am just worried that she will be hurt after I leave.” Theodore nodded.


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