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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Kent knew little about that, and he hadn’t given it a try. When the teacher asked him why he wanted to drop out of school, he only said

that he did not want to study anymore.

The teacher had advised him many times, yet Kent had made up his mind. Finally, the teacher had no choice but to go through the dropout formalities for him.

“But… I have quit school.” Kent lowered his head, feeling a little regretful.

“I will help you. Just go to school on time. Don’t worry,” Jalen said to him.

Kent looked at Jalen and Elaina in front of him. He had never liked crying, but he was now red-eyed. “Thank you.”

“If you want to thank us, study hard and repay us with your school performance.” Seeing that Kent was willing to go to school, Elaina

felt relieved.

“I will.” Kent nodded.

He had always been good at studying. Otherwise, he would not have skipped a grade or been in the third year of high school at the

age of sixteen. If nothing unexpected happened, he would take the college entrance examination next year.

“You can do it. I’ll buy you a gift when you are admitted to a university,” Elaina smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

After dinner, Elaina accompanied Kent to quit his job. The manager did not make things difficult for Kent and paid the salary. He even

encouraged Kent.

Leaving the mall, Kent followed Elaina and Jalen into the car. At that moment, he did not know where to go.

“Where do you live now?” Elaina asked.

Kent looked troubled. “I used to live in the staff dormitory. Now that I’ve quit my job, I don’t know where to go.”


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