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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 275

Chapter 275

“Jalen is handsome and good to you. I didn’t expect you would have no interest in him at all. Ella, don’t expect too much.” Jenica originally thought that Elaina was prejudiced against Jalen because of the divorce. However, it may also be because Elaina did not

like Jalen.

It was unreasonable.

Although Jenica did not like Jalen, she did not think that she could hold on if he cared for her every day. As time passed, she would

definitely be moved.

Of course, it was only her assumption, and it was an assumption that would never appear.

Elaina was silent. Was she demanding?

As they chatted, Elaina got out of the car and was about to cross the road.

She walked on the crosswalk and listened to Jenica’s chatter on the phone. She was a little lost in thought and didn’t sense the upcoming danger.

At the intersection, a black car had been parked there for a long time. The driver started the car when he saw Elaina. Then, it sped forward and rushed toward her.

Sue held the steering wheel and thought of what Alisha had said. She just needed to scare Elaina and let Elaina know that she couldn’t be provoked.

She made up her mind and stepped on the accelerator.

Before Elaina found the car rushing toward her, the passers-by in the distance reminded her, “Be careful!”

The loud roar attracted Elaina’s attention, making her come back to her senses.

She turned her head and saw the car getting closer and closer to her. Through the wind-blocking glass, she saw Sue inside.

Elaina’s first reaction was not to run away but to think whether Sue was crazy.

Sue was targeting Elaina, so even if Elaina wanted to escape, she had no chance.

Seeing Elaina frown, Sue was in a good mood. She thought proudly, you are finally scared, right?


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