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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Feeling Jenica’s worry, Elaina felt warm in her heart. “Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

Jenica let go of Elaina and looked at her seriously. “What exactly happened? Explain it to me


The sound Jenica heard on the phone was definitely a crash. She would not believe it if Elaina said

nothing had happened.

Elaina did not want to hide it from Jenica. She took Jenica to Sue’s ward and told Jenica what had happened.

When Jenica heard Elaina say that Sue drove the car to her, Jenica couldn’t be more nervous. Then she was relieved when she heard Elaina say that Jalen rushed over to save Elaina.

After recalling the whole incident, they arrived at the door of Sue’s ward. Jenica wanted to rush in and fight Sue at that moment.

But Elaina stopped her in time. “Sue hasn’t recovered yet. If we really have to settle accounts with her, it’s the police’s job. Don’t worry. She can’t escape.”

Elaina has already called the police. There were surveillance cameras at the intersection. Sue could

not get away with it.

What was more, Elaina didn’t want to forgive her.

Although Elaina was fine this time, Jalen was injured when he saved her. Elaina had to make Sue

pay the price.

“I’m just angry. Is that woman crazy? She even wants to hit you in the car. No wonder Theodore

doesn’t like her.”

Jenica learned from Elaina the reason why Sue hated Elaina. Of course, in Elaina’s opinion, Sue just hated her a little. Before this, Elaina did not expect that Sue would hate her so much.


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