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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 290

Chapter 290

“Why?” Jaydon didn’t understand. He looked at Tyrone in confusion, waiting for him to explain.

However, Tyrone just glanced at him and said lightly, “Isn’t it good to make a few more friends?”

Jaydon was puzzled.

“Grandpa, I’m not a fool.” Jaydon was speechless. He thought, making friends? I have never needed to make friends in this way.

Tyrone coughed. He was a little embarrassed as his plan had been exposed. “I just think that Elaina is a good girl. I want you two to hang out in Boston so that you can get closer to each other.”

“You said you were joking, didn’t you?”

Jaydon was even more puzzled. Tyrone asked him to pursue Elaina in New York, but they all knew that he was joking. Jaydon didn’t take it to heart.

It had been so long, and Tyrone mentioned it again. Jaydon felt that something was going on.

Tyrone became impatient. “Why do you have so many questions? I asked you to go to New York. Just go. Don’t ask any more questions.”.

“No. I won’t go!” Jaydon shook his head. “I’m not into her. Why should I get closer to her?”

“Then who do you like?” Tyrone asked.

Jaydon was silent.

“Do you know what love is?” Tyrone asked again.

Jaydon still didn’t reply.

“So, you don’t understand what it means to like someone. If you don’t know what it means, how do you know that you are not into Elaina? Maybe you like her, but you haven’t realized it,” Tyrone said


Jaydon was stunned when he heard this.

Jaydon thought, do I like Elaina?

But now, Tyrone said that as long as Jaydon married Elaina, the Becker family would become one of the top ten families in Boston. Jaydon wondered, how is that possible?


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