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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 306

Chapter 306

“What about Xzavier?” Adriana knew Elaina was very grateful to Xzavier, so she was a little worried

“He will understand. He is not the unreasonable type.” Elaina was confident.

After that, Elaina instructed Adriana, “By the way, try not to be around Jazmin. I told her that the company belongs to a friend of mine. She didn’t know that you were here.”

If Jazmin knew that Adriana was the general manager of the company, Jazmin would make a fuss.

After all, Adriana was also from the village. She and Jazmin knew each other.

Knowing that someone she knew was in the company, Jazmin would be even more unruly.

“OK. Don’t worry. I don’t think she has a reason to be on this floor.” After all, the floor

Adriana was on belonged to the higher-ups only, whereas Jazmin was nothing but an ordinary employee.

Adriana was just about to ask about Elaina and Jalen when the office door was pushed


Elaina was puzzled and thought, who comes in without knocking?

She turned around and saw the person, who was an old acquaintance she hadn’t seen in a long time.

“Hey! I didn’t expect Ella to be here.” Saul walked inside naturally and sat down on the sofa. Seeing how casual he was, Elaina knew right away that he must have come here often

Some time ago, Elaina was wondering. She hadn’t seen Saul for quite a while, and she didn’t know where he was.

Yet now she did.

Elaina sized Saul and Adriana up and smiled at Adriana, “Adriana, aren’t you going to tell me?”


“About what?” Adriana was stunned. When she saw Elaina’s naughty smile, she

immediately reacted. “Don’t get your head around it Saul and I are friends.”


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