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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Just as Jalen was about to open his mouth, Saul beat him to it, “Don’t tell her. You promised me not to tell anyone until it worked out.”

“Fine.” Jalen did not tell Elaina. Yet he leaned close to her and whispered to her, “I’ll tell you when he is away.”

“OK.” Elaina covered her mouth and chuckled.

Saul, who was opposite them, looked at them furiously. “I heard what you said, Jalen!”

Elaina grinned. She found Saul funny in this way.

Adriana was walking to them from not far away. At the sight of her, Elaina could only say hurriedly, “I don’t care who you were before. Now that you’ve decided to woo Adriana, you are not allowed to be a playboy anymore.

“Saul, Adriana isn’t like other women. If she is hurt because of you, I will have a bone to pick with you.”

Hearing her words, Saul rolled his eyes at her. “You’re not an aged woman. Why do you like to lecture others so much?”

“Saul!” Elaina was slightly angry.

“Fine! Fine! I hear you.” Saul pursed his lips. Then he said in a low voice, “It’s not a fling.”

Saul was always surrounded by countless women. If he hadn’t been serious with

Adriana, he would have disappeared from Adriana’s sight already when she turned him down again and again.

Adriana walked to the dining table and was surprised to see Jalen. “Mr. Halton, I didn’t know you’d be here as well.”

“Adriana, you can call me Jalen. None of my friends call me Mr. Halton,” Jalen smiled and greeted Adriana. Since Adriana was someone Elaina cared about, of course, he would treat Adriana seriously.

Adriana nodded. “OK.”

The four people ate. During this time, Jalen took care of Elaina meticulously. Seeing that,


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