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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 310

Chapter 310

“He’s mature and steady,” Adriana replied.

Saul chuckled and rubbed his nose, feeling a little helpless. “It doesn’t sound like me.”

“Saul, I really don’t know why you like me. You don’t lack young and beautiful women. around you. There’s no need to waste time on me.” She didn’t think that Saul liked her very much. She guessed that he was only interested in her for the time being.

This kind of playboy mostly thought the same way. She was very clear about it.

Saul knew what she meant, but he didn’t just give up. Instead, he asked, “Do you think I’m not serious?”

Adriana did not say anything, but her eyes had already answered the question.

“If I said I was serious, would you believe me?” Saul smiled bitterly. If he had known that the previous rumors would bring him trouble today, he would not have lived a flippant life.

Adriana shook her head with a serious expression. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care.

“I don’t know if Ella told you that I was divorced.” Adriana didn’t have any thoughts of starting a relationship now, so she didn’t mind letting Saul know she was divorced. She just wanted him to give up early.

Elaina did not tell him, but Saul had guessed it, so he was not surprised to hear this.

He smiled indifferently and said to Adriana, “So what if you have divorced? I don’t care!”

“I was divorced. I’m a few years older than you. I don’t know why you like me.” Adriana couldn’t understand. After all, Saul was the CEO of the Judson Group. There were a lot of young and beautiful women around him. There was no reason why he liked Adriana.

“Love is not something I can control.” He was also very helpless. The first time he saw Adriana, he found that he was fascinated by this woman. He couldn’t help it

Later, he slowly learned that he liked her.


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