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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 318

Chapter 318

Elaina put on the earrings. Jalen sighed with relief. “Hi, my dear girlfriend.”

Elaina smiled. They looked very happy together.

Others smiled and quipped, “You two sure are adorable. But just stop doing PDA. Don’t forget we’re

still single.”

“Haha, let’s have the meal now,” Jenica said with a smile. She was really happy for Elaina.

Jalen and Elaina looked at each other and smiled.

The maids served the dishes. Everyone was seated and started talking with each other. There was a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

But some of them were not really happy.

Quincy looked at Jenica, who was sitting next to Elaina. Jenica hadn’t talked to him and just ignored him since she came here today.

Quincy got annoyed. He had no appetite at all when he saw the delicious dishes on the table.

After the meal, everyone went to the garden to watch the fireworks. Jalen had prepared a lot of

things for his confession to Elaina tonight.

“These things Jalen prepared are so cheesy,” Saul said when he watched the fireworks. Adriana was standing next to him. She just took a glance at Saul and didn’t say anything.

Adriana didn’t agree with Saul. Because she could tell that Jalen prepared these things for Elaina with loving care.

Besides, Adriana thought Saul was just a player, who only wanted to play and had never really cared

about any women.

But Adriana didn’t dare to tell what she thought about Saul. She knew she couldn’t pay the price if

she offended Saul. Besides, how Saul treated his dates had nothing to do with Adriana.

Elaina stood still and looked at the fireworks in the sky. She didn’t think fireworks were cheesy at


Because Elaina knew the fireworks were prepared only for her.


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