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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Elaina didn’t expect Monica’s move to be so fast. It had only been a few days since she got the information. It seemed that Elaina was right to ask for her help.

Elaina didn’t care where Monica got the money to buy the shares of the Stein Group. Anyway, Monica seemed to be sophisticated. Maybe Monica had planned this for a long time. Monica just waited for a suitable opportunity When Elaina came to her, the chance came,

Just as Elaina was thinking, her mobile phone rang. She took it to have a look. She couldn’t help smiling. The

call was from Monica.

“Hello, Ms. Stein.” After picking up the phone, Elaina leaned back in her chair with a smile.

“Did you see the news?” Monica did not exchange pleasantries with her but asked directly.

Elaina grunted and asked her, “What do you need me to do?”

“Investigate a person for me. He is not a member of the board of directors, but an executive of the Stein Group. I want to pull him down, but there is no breakthrough.” The information that Elaina gave her made Monica understand that Elaina was particularly good at investigating people. Elaina would find a way.

Elaina was not surprised at Monica’s request. “Okay, send me his name.”

“All right.” Monica nodded. Then, she smiled and said, “This time, I completely shed all pretense of cordiality with the Stein family because of you. If you don’t help me, I won’t be the only one to die.”

There was a threat in Monica’s words, but Elaina didn’t care. “Don’t worry. I believe that with your ability, you

can definitely take the Stein family into your pocket.”

Judging from Monica’s recent actions, it could be seen that she was ambitious. Such a woman would

definitely succeed.

There was no other way. Her opponent was Deven.

After hanging up the phone, Elaina looked at the name sent by Monica. She did not hesitate and began to


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