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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 351

Chapter 351

Jalen arrived quickly. After Joyce left for about ten minutes, he appeared in front of Elaina.

“Didn’t you say that you were going to meet a client tonight? Why did you want to pick me up?” Elaina asked as she sat in Jalen’s car.

Her waist was injured, so her movements were a little stiff. However, because she did not want Jalen to see through her, Elaina had already tried her best to act normal.

Jalen started the car and casually replied, “We have finished talking about business. And we will only drink and chat. Graham can handle it.”

“Graham is really busy,” Elaina sighed casually. Normally, Graham would deal with Jalen’s affairs and even help Jalen entertain clients. If it were others, they would not be able to handle it.

Jalen chuckled and said casually, “His annual salary is more than 160 thousand dollars.”

“More than 160 thousand dollars? That’s really high.” Elaina was surprised.

Even though she was the deputy director of Northwestern Memorial Hospital, her salary was not as high as Graham’s. No wonder he was so busy. One couldn’t be highly paid while having little work.

“Why? Are you envious of him?” Jalen raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

Elaina nodded and did not deny it. “Who isn’t envious?”

In fact, she was not short of money. In addition to being a doctor, she actually had a lot of sidelines, but she still felt that it was a lot to earn more than 160 thousand dollars a year.

“If you are willing to be my secretary, I will also give you that much,” Jalen said.

Elaina curled her lips and glanced at him, saying, “I know you are rich, OK?”

“That’s fine. I’m only the richest man in New York,” Jalen said casually, but it sounded like bragging to Elaina.

Elaina facepalmed. For the first time, she realized that Jalen really liked bragging.

They quickly came to Elaina’s apartment building. Elaina was about to get out of the car when Jalen hurriedly called out to her, “Don’t move.”

Elaina was stunned and a little confused. Just as she was about to ask, she saw Jalen get out of the car, pull open the passenger door, and then carry her out.


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