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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 371

Falling For My Mysterious Wife By Cassidy Alfaro Chapter 371

When driving, Elaina, who seemed to know what she was thinking, said to her, “Don’t worry about the money. I’ll handle it.”


Joyce could not believe it, but she still said truthfully, “Elaina, maybe you don’t know much about it. My family requires a large sum of money.”

If it was not that much, her parents would try to borrow rather than get her married.

“How much?” Elaina asked casually, not taking it to heart.

Joyce was surprised. She looked at Elaina, gritted her teeth, and said, “160 million dollars!”

It was 160 million dollars!

Sure enough, Elaina fell silent when she heard the amount. Joyce was not surprised. “Elaina, I know you want to help me. I am already very grateful to you. As for the Wallace family…”

“I’ll give it to you,” Elaina interrupted Joyce. After thinking for a while, she seemed to have made at


Joyce was stunned and could not react for a long time.

“Elaina, what did you say?” she doubted she had heard wrong.

She thought, Elaina could take out 160 million dollars?

That is impossible.

Even if Elaina got some of Jalen’s property after she divorced him, she couldn’t have 160 million


The car stopped at the gate of the community. Elaina opened the door and said, “You don’t have to worry about the money. Tell your parents to be careful of the Whitney family.”

After tonight, the two families might completely fall apart. At that time, the Whitney family would definitely take the opportunity to make a move.

Joyce followed behind Elaina and nodded repeatedly. “I know. I will remind them.”


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