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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 376

Chapter 376

As the two of them ate, the atmosphere was harmonious.

Have you

been busy lately?Elaina looked at the pile of documents on Jalen’s desk and felt sympathetic for some reason.

Jalen was so busy at the company every day and pretended to be relaxed in front of her. Occasionally, he would cook for her. At this moment, Elaina felt a little apologetic.

Jalen nodded. Yes, there are a lot of things going on in the company recently.

He did not tell Elaina that not only were there a lot of things going on but there were also some strange things. He felt that someone was deliberately messing with him behind his back.

But he did not find any clues, so he did not tell her about these, lest Elaina should be worried.

Do you not need my help with the Wallace family?Jalen spoke again, hoping to help Elaina.

Elaina shook her head and took out the contract from her bag, saying, It has been solved.

Jalen took the contract and looked at it for a while. Then he smiled, saying, Well, not bad. I almost thought that you were going to help them for nothing.

The contract stated that Elaina invested 160 million dollars in the Wallace family’s company, but it was not a loss to have 40% of the Wallace Group’s shares.

Of course, the premise was that the Wallace family would not go bankrupt. If they went bankrupt, Elaina would definitely suffer a loss.

Don’t worry, I am not a kind person.She smiled and ate. She was in a good mood.

Jalen did not expose Elaina. In anyone’s opinion, Elaina was being kind. After all, who could guarantee that the Wallace family would not go bankrupt after getting the money?

No one would be willing to gamble with such a large sum of money.

After dinner, Jalen seemed to be busy again. Elaina did not continue to disturb him. I should be leaving now. Areyou going to work overtime?

Yes, let Graham send you home,Jalen said.

Elaina shook her head. No need. Let him stay here to help you. It’s not like I can’t find my way.

Jalen seemed really busy. As his assistant, Graham would not feel relaxed either, so Elaina felt bad to let him send her home.

While Jalen was hesitating, his phone rang. Elaina did not hear what the person on the other side of the line said, but Jalen quickly hung up.

He will have to send you off,Jalen said.

Elaina was puzzled. Jalen explained, I have a document at home that I need to bring over. Graham will send you there. You can help me find the document and give it to him.


Elaina wanted to say that she didn’t have the key, but the next second, the key was already in her hand. Take it. You don’t have to return it to me. From now on, my home is yours, too. You can enter as you please.

Elaina was stunned, then she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Since you have given me your key, should I give you a key to my house?

Jalen raised his eyebrows and said with a faint smile, As for this, it’s up to you.

His meaning was obvious. If you don’t give me your key, I won’t ask for it. If you give it to me, I won’t refuse, either.


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