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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80

“If you don’t want his apology, just refuse him. Why do you have to make yourself suffer?” Jalen spoke in a gentle tone.

Elaina chuckled. “As you said, the Lory family is unlike the Dunston family. I can’t do anything to them now. What could I do but accept their apology?”

Jalen said, “I will help you.”

Elaina looked at him as if she saw an alien. She stepped back and said, “She is your childhood sweetheart. Is it really okay for you to do that to her?”

“Just friends. Not childhood sweethearts,” Jalen said with a serious face.

But Elaina didn’t care. “No need, Mr. Halton. As I said, we barely know each other.”


“Jalen!” Alisha helped Marcus out of the bathroom with an angry look on her face. “Someone hit Marcus!”

Marcus had a bloody nose and a swollen face, looking miserable. Elaina had to cover her mouth because she almost laughed out.

Marcus slowly reacted and the next second, he pointed at Elaina and shouted angrily, “It was you! It was you who did this to me, right!”

“Mr. Lory, what are you talking about?” Elaina blinked with an innocent look.

Alisha also looked at Elaina. She as well suspected that it was Elaina who did it. After all, Elaina was the only one who hated Marcus so much. It was not impossible for Elaina to beat Marcus up without being noticed.

“Stop pretending! Who else could it be other than you?” As he spoke, Marcus was about to rush over and hit Elaina.

Of course, Jalen didn’t give Marcus the chance to touch Elaina. He blocked Marcus and said lightly,

“You have no evidence to prove that it was her. Marcus, don’t lose your mind, or I will help you get back to normal again.”

Marcus was not afraid of Elaina, but he was afraid of Jalen. As soon as Jalen finished speaking, Marcus hid behind Alisha and glared at Elaina with resentment.


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