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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 88

Chapter 88

Elaina and Joyce walked out of the hospital together. Then Joyce went to drive her car, and Elaina was waiting for Joyce by the roadside.

Shortly after, a black and white Ferrari sports car stopped in front of Elaina. Elaina did not vaguely realize until then that Joyce seemed to be very rich.

Elaina got in the car and said with a smile, “You are so rich, but why do you want to be a doctor? You should know that this job is very hard.”

“I am already rich, so I naturally want to do something more meaningful,” Joyce replied. Back then, when her family asked her this question, she gave them the same answer.

Elaina could not help laughing. She thought that what Joyce said seemed to make sense.

After a while, the car stopped at the entrance of the most high–end shopping mall in New York.

After they got out of the car, Joyce held Elaina’s arm and said, “Dr. Gainsford, let’s go for dinner first, okay?”

“Okay.” Elaina nodded and then said, “You can call me ‘Elaina‘ when we are outside.”

Joyce immediately covered her mouth and was a little overjoyed. “You finally tell me your first name. Does it mean that we are friends now?”

“You seem to have never asked, right?” Elaina did not mind others knowing her first name. She just did not bother to tell them if others did not ask.

Joyce scratched the back of her head and smiled, “I don’t dare to ask.”

Even though she was an assistant to Elaina, their relationship had not been close. Joyce did not dare to ask rashly, lest Elaina would be disgusted.

“Am I that scary?” Elaina thought herself somewhat mild, at least not to let people be afraid to this point.

Joyce nodded, but she then immediately shook her head. “No, it’s not like that, but it’s just because I am timid.”

Elaina chuckled. She did not dwell on this question but asked Joyce, “What would you like to have?”

“Elaina, let’s have dinner at Magnolia Bakery. Everything tastes very good there. You are highly recommended to have a taste there.” Joyce called Elaina by her first name instead of Dr. Gainsford. In an instant, the relationship between them became closer.

Elaina did not refuse. Even though she just had a meal there some time ago. However, the food there tasted really good. It was okay to have meals there a few more times.

They walked to the door of Magnolia Bakery, where a lot of people were queuing. Elaina thought that they would have to wait for a long time, but Joyce took her straight in.


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