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Falling In Love With My Ex-Wife (Stella and Clarence) novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1 The Indifference of Her Husband

The beginning of December in Olkmore City was colder than in previous years.

Amber Reed nestled expressionlessly on the sofa and listened to the curses of her mother-in-law downstairs.

"Amber Reed, you can't have a baby, and now even your brain isn't functioning? It's already late and you're still not cooking! You want to starve me and Logan to death, don't you?"

For the six years she was married to Jared Farrell, her mother-in-law complained behind her back all day about her not being able to have children.

But who would know that it was her husband who had never touched her from the start?

"Come on down and help me with my school bag. I have to go to school!" A teenager's voice urged immediately after.

Logan Farrell, Jared's younger brother, was nothing short of a jerk and had tormented Amber a lot.

As far as he was concerned, his sister-in-law was an easy target.

Amber came downstairs and went into the kitchen, cooked dinner, and helped Logan sort out his school bag and lunchbox.

"Mom, dinner's ready!"

Shonna Woodham was irritated by the impassive look on Amber's face and slammed her glass of water down on the table, "Amber, how dare you? You're spending my son's money and living in our house, and you treat me with that attitude. Believe it or not, I'll call Jared right now and tell him to divorce you!"

Amber's hands shook as she gripped the dinner plate. She let out a deep breath and forced out a smile, "Mom, I didn't."

Shonna didn't believe her and said grimly, "Amber, don't think that just because you have Lady Georgia backing you up that you'll always be Jared's wife. You're nothing in front of Makenna!"

At the mentioning of Makenna Gardner 's name, Amber paled.

Logan rolled his eyes, obviously having sensed something. He grinned, "You didn't know that, did you? Makenna is about to be discharged from the hospital. My brother is bringing her back to live with us."

Amber's eyelashes fluttered and her hand shook as she set the plate.

Shonna couldn't stand to see how aggrieved Amber was pretending to be and grunted as she waved impatiently, "Don't stand in front of me! You're spoiling my appetite. Get out of here!"

Amber didn't linger. She turned around, went upstairs, then nestled in the sofa again.

Around late afternoon, a Maybach pulled up at the door.


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