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Falling In Love With My Ex-Wife (Stella and Clarence) novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Faking the Video

Makenna could no longer maintain the smile on her face. She lowered her head and tears streamed down her face.

Jared frowned slightly and was displeased with his grandmother's behavior, "Makenna also has good intentions and is mindful of your health. She is the woman I like, so if you are angry with me in your heart, just take it out on me."

Lady Georgia remained impassive and didn't reply.

Jared took Makenna's hand and stood up, but to Lady Georgia he said, "It's late, and you should rest. We'll leave you to it."

The two men stayed for less than ten minutes before leaving.

Mrs. Murphy went up to Lady Georgia and sighed, "My Lady, why bother? You don't need to be angry with Mr. Farrell over someone else."

Lady Georgia stroked the emerald bracelet on her wrist, "This girl from the Gardner family has her way. Jared is going against me for her."

Mrs. Murphy tucked her in, "How could that be? Mr. Farrell has the utmost respect for you."

Lady Georgia smiled but didn't say anything.

Unbeknownst to all but a few senior members of the board of Goldstone Co., Amber had become the biggest shareholder and, with the power to make decisions, she decisively reached a partnership with Hayden.

Hayden was a dark horse in the business, and although he wasn't as successful as Jared now, he wasn't far behind and had a bright future ahead of him.

With Jeremy and Cole at her side, things were looking up.

But what Cole predicted finally happened.

Images of the blue Audi hitting Makenna were all over the news, and the comments underneath were all cursing Amber for her viciousness.


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