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Falling In Love With My Ex-Wife (Stella and Clarence) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Do You Want Me to Dispose the Ring?

"The juice is so sweet." Makenna smiled at Jared nicely and put the glass on the table. "Thank you for remembering what I like."

His lips curled up, "I remember all the things you like. I know a nice fruit farm. I will ask the owner to send two boxes of mangoes to your house. If you want to eat something else, you can tell me."

"Yeah," she responded with difficulty.

She started to feel uncomfortable, pushing away the chair and stood up with a paler face. "I'll go to the bathroom. Jared, you can chat with my father for a while longer."

She lifted the hem of her skirt, turned around and walked away as fast as she could.

She grew up allergic to mangoes and only a bite could make her severely sick. Before she reached the bathroom, she found it hard to breathe. Then she twisted her ankle and almost fell.

"Makenna, Makenna!" Mrs. Gardner hurried to her and held her.

Mrs. Gardner looked at her uncomfortable look and got anxious. "Are you crazy? You are allergic to mangoes. Why did you drink the mango juice Jared gave you? You're killing yourself!"

"Mom, I feel so bad…" Makenna wheezed, clutching her mother's hand. "Go get a doctor and don't tell Jared about it. If he asks you, you must tell him that I love to eat mangoes."

"Don't say these things now!" Mrs. Gardner scolded, trying to help her get to the rest room.

However, after only a few steps, Makenna fainted and collapsed on her directly.

"Makenna!" Mrs. Gardner almost cried out, not knowing what to do. "Help! Somebody helps us!"

In the banquet hall, Jared had a long chat with Trenton. When he looked at his watch, he found twenty minutes had passed. But Makenna still did not return.

Since her body was still weak, Jared feared that something might happen to her. So he got up, saying, "Mr. Gardner, I'll go look for Makenna."

"Don't worry. Makenna is fine." Mrs. Gardner came back in time and smiled when hearing his words, "She accompanied us for a whole day and felt tired and sleepy. I let her rest in the lounge."

She added, "Jared, you must be exhausted too. Go home and have a good rest. When she is awake, we will bring her back home."

"Thank you, Mrs. Gardner. When I am not so busy, I hope you and Mr. Gardner will be gracious enough to have a meal with my mother."

She smiled, "Sure. Be careful on your way."

He took his suit jacket and left. When he turned around at the door, he saw Mrs. Gardner saying something to Trenton. Then the two walked towards the back of the banquet hall in a hurry.

On the roadside, Ben, his assistant, was already waiting there. When seeing him come out, he hurriedly pulled open the back door of the car.

The car drove smoothly towards the Farrell family house.

It was quiet in the car. But Jared felt more irritable, recalling the things that Amber did and said at the banquet.

And he also thought of the gentle and handsome youth beside her.

He tugged at his tie and after a while, he asked Ben in a low voice, "Have you found out about Jeremy Lynch's family background?"

"Yes." Ben report to him truthfully, "Jeremy was born in Ensford Town which was a poor place near the mountains with undeveloped transportation. There is a school ten kilometers away from that place. Six years ago, when Miss Reed went there to visit the poor children, she met him and chose to sponsor him."

"After he came out of the mountains, he was scouted by FYM Entertainment on his way to a summer job. Now he is the most expensive male model at FYM. He is also particularly smart. With his help, Miss Reed became one of the shareholders of Goldstone Co. within a short time," he added.


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