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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 124


Chapter One Hundred TwentyFour 


I woke snuggled into Blake. I let out a sigh of relief that I was actually out of that place and home with Blake and our boys. That was a nightmare I never wanted to live again

How are you feeling, baby?Blake asked before kissing my head

So much better,I answered snuggling impossibly close. I never wanted to let him go. He pulled me closer, kissing my head again

As much as I wish we could lay in bed all day, the doctor is waiting for us.He said and I grumbled

Five more minutes,” I pouted like a child. I didn’t want to move. This was my happy place. Blake was my happy place and I never wanted to leave

Blake moved away from me before I heard the nightstand drawer open. He was looking for something

What are you doing?I huffed, sitting up on my elbow, annoyed my pillow had moved. He leaned back with a playful smirk on his lips

What?I questioned. He didn’t answer as he snuggled back into me. I rested my head back on his chest. His heart was beating hard against my ear

Blake took my hand in his before bringing it up to his lips. I smiled at the sweet gesture

I love you so much, baby.He mumbled, kissing my head as he held 



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my hand

I love you, Blake,I kissed his bare chest

Something cold hit my fingertip before Blake pushed it down my finger. I gasped, sitting up on my elbow. What the hell was he doing? I watched him kiss my hand before he placed it over his heart. I looked down at the now large diamond ring he had placed on my wedding finger

Blake, I don’t understand,I stammered, tears filling my eyes as I looked up at him

I want you to be my wife, Ryley. My Mrs. Orion. I don’t need anything fancy. I just need you.I didn’t wait to climb on top of him, crushing my lips to his. I didn’t care about a ring. All I needed was him. I would have signed the papers if he would have handed them to 

  1. me

Is that a yes,he mumbled against my lips. I smiled, my lips never leaving his. Nodded my head as tears streamed down my face. Our kiss became more demanding as I rolled my hips down into his hard shaft. I was dying for him to be inside me

Fuck, I want you,he groaned, as he pulled me back by my hair. I bit my lip as I stared down at my fiancé. He hissed as his cock slid between my folds. My gasps turned into moans as I pushed my hips down harder, chasing the feel of him

I need you,I moaned. His chest rumbled under my palms

We need to get you checked. And then after we spend the day with our boys, I’m going to take you on every surface of this house,he growled. All he did was turn me on even more. I could feel more of my juices coating his cock, ready to take him


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Chapter One Hundred TwentyFour 

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Fine,I grumbled, not happy about leaving the bedroom unsatisfied. I tried to move off of him but he held me firm, pulling me down until my breasts pushed up against his chest. The hair on his chest causes my nipples to pebble and I let out a small moan

Do you think I’m happy about letting you leave this room without my mark on that pretty little neck of yours?He growled, rubbing his nose up the column of my neck. I shivered as goosebumps covered my body. I tilted my head to give him better access to my neck

Do you think I want to leave this bed without your mark on me?I questioned before I gasped. He bit down into the sensitive skin of my neck just above where his mark would lay

Change of plans. First, you get checked out and then I bring you home. And when you are fully marked and satisfied, then we can go out with the boys,he announced. I looked at him and giggled. I would say we have time but I never know if the council will just show up, again

Baby, what’s wrong?Blake rushed out, as my body stiffened above his. My breathing became harsh as I fought to take in a breath. I closed my eyes, willing myself to breathe. Panic filled me at the thought of losing my family. Losing Blake again

Baby, breathe,” I heard Blake repeat over and over as I clawed my way 

back to him

Open your eyes, please, Baby,he demanded and when I opened my eyes, I was staring into his deep blue ones. He let out a breath and relaxed against me. I was no longer lying on top of him. He was sitting up with me sitting between his legs


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