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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 146


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Chapter One Hundred FortySix 

Alpha Blake 

I was sitting in my office going over everything with my father. I didn’t want to be here and I was missing Ryley. I was feeling anxious about getting back to her and making sure she was safe

Son. I know you’re worried about Ryley but Walter is watching her. Connor is also watching over her. She is fine. And you have lots to get caught up on,my father said from the other side of my desk. I sighed, knowing he was right. There was so much for me to sign and look over. I also had to deal with Perry. He was still in the cells and I wanted to deal with him personally

Blake, you have a visitor,Luca mindlinked me

I’m not taking visitors. I thought you were handling that?” 

Um, well, yes, I did say that, but he has asked for you.He stammered. What the hell is wrong with my beta

Fine, just send him in,I told him

Apparently, I have a visitor,I told my father as I massaged my temples. I’ve been here for an hour and was ready to leave

There was a bang on my door and I called out for them to enter. I didnt expect the man to duck his head before entering my office. He was built like a mountain as he towered into my office. I didn’t recognize the man and I would have remembered a man built like him

Alpha Everett North,my father exclaimed, standing from his seat. I did the same



Chapter One Hundred FontySix 

Alpha Blaine Orion, I didn’t expect to see you,his deep voice rumbled through my office

This mountain of a man was Ryley’s father. Fuck

We could take him.Gunner scoffed, pushing out his chest. I’m sure we could but we most likely wouldn’t survive

I didn’t expect my daughter to be mated to your son,Alpha North said and it snapped me from my thoughts

I’m her fated mate, Alpha. Blake Orion,I introduced myself. I stepped around my desk and held out my hand to him

I was told Dorian was her fated.His voice was serious. Gunner growled as I glared at the alpha. I never wanted to hear the fuckers name again

She is mine, Alpha,I growled, before pulling my hand back. My father quickly stepped between us. He may be a mountain but I wasn’t going to back down when it came to Ryley. She was mine and always will be

Time stood still as we glared at each other. I can see why he made a great mobster. He was built to intimidate. I’m sure he got what he wanted with just a look but this was my family. And he walked into my pack. If he wants to see my mate and son, then he will have to go through me. I’m not risking either of them, even for family

I’m here to see my daughter,he announced

That’s something I will have to discuss with my mate. She is at home recovering. If you leave me your number, I will relay the message,I told him and he growled

Are you denying me my daughter?He demanded


Chapter One Hundred FortySix 

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As I told your mate, Ryley is capable of making her own decisions when it comes to the people in her life. But I’m going to protect her at all costs, even from family.” 

Her name is Evelyn,he corrected 

She goes by Ryley now, and has since she washed up outside the city.I retorted

Son, maybe you should call Ryley and let her know what’s going on?My father said. I stared at her father before turning to mine

Let me be clear, Alpha North, if you try anything. I won’t hesitate to rip you apart. Father or not, I’m not losing my mate.I growled. He glared at me before his face softened and he nodded. I’m sure he wasn’t used to people making demands of him, but I didn’t care. And I can’t believe I’m doing this

Luca, get more men stationed around my house,” I ordered through the link

Baby, are you still home?I closed the link with Luca and linked my 


I am. I’m still getting ready. Is everything okay?She asked me

I’ll see you soon,I told her before closing the link

Follow me,I announced before leaving my office. Luca met us at the front door. He looked up at the alpha before turning his attention back to me. I motioned for him to follow as I walked out of the pack house towards our home

More men were surrounding the house as I approached with my beta, father, and soontobe fatherinlaw. I was thankful for the security upgrade as I climbed the stairs of the porch. No turning back now,




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