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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 148


Chapter One Hundred FortyEight 

Alpha Blake 

I watched as my mate rushed up the stairs and away from the scene her 

father caused

Mate is under too much stress,” Gunner growled and my heart twisted painfully I shouldn’t have brought him. I know she needed answers but those answers could have waited. I turned back to see the aftermath. My kitchen was a disaster and the alpha had misty eyes as he watched where his daughter ran away. When my father and beta tried to turn over the table, the alpha snapped out of it

Shit, I’m sorry. This wasn’t how I wanted things to go.he said as he helped turn the table back over. He could have done it himself

Alpha Everett, I’m telling you this because I don’t want my mate to have to relive it. Walter saved her life. She was ready to give up after a few days on the streets. She had just been attacked in the city and she couldn’t handle the guilt of what happened to her pack. She walked out on a bridge and jumped. Walter jumped in after her, saving her She woke up in the hospital three days later, with Walter never leaving her side. He has been like a father and grandfather to Channing Both you and your mate need to give her time and this extra stress isn’t good for her or our baby.” 

She pregnant!He exclaimed

She is. And she has also been through hell. First the council and then her mate. She will reach out when she is ready I told him. He let out a sigh before nodding 



Chapter One Hundred FortyEight 

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This wasn’t how I thought this would go. I believed she would have been happy with Dorian.Gunner let out a growl

Just to be clear. Ryley and Channing are mine. And both will have my last name after this weekend. That fucker almost cost me everything.My chest rumbled at the memory of what happened at his pack only a few weeks ago

Your wolf has claimed another alpha’s son?He questioned

He has and hers has claimed mine. And I’m aware alpha wolves don’t claim other alpha’s pups but both my wolf and I agree that Channing is ours.I explained. He clasped me on the shoulder

Thank you for taking care of them.He nodded before heading towards the door

Blake. I have someone on their way to clean this up. We should head back to the pack house.Luca said

I should check on Ryley,” I told him

Give her some space. Just link her and tell her you love her.My father advised

Blake, we may have a problem.My gamma linked me

I rushed outside to see Alpha Everett approaching Walter who was standing by his truck. I knew why Connor called me out here. I was the only one here who could take on the massive alpha. He flipped my dining table like it was nothing

Alpha Everett,I called out as I rushed over to them. He put his hands 

  1. up

I don’t want to start anything. I want to apologize and to thank the 



Chapter One Hundred FortyEight 

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man who took care of my daughter and grandson.” 

Ryley is the most genuine person I’ve known. And she deserves to be happy. She has dealt with so much. She has a good thing here with Blake and her boys. I don’t know what you were thinking but I want to believe you didn’t do what you did with malicious intent.Walter told 


I would never purposely hurt my daughter. I wanted to keep her safe. I knew the council would come after her but if she was with her fated there was nothing they could do. He was her fated. I just didn’t expect things to happen the way it did. And that’s my fault.He confessed 

Alpha Blake, when she is ready, tell her to call me.” he pulled out a card and handed it to me before walking towards the pack house

Well that was fun,Luca breathed out when the alpha was out of sight 

Dad, you could have warned me that her father was a giant,I exclaimed and he and Luca both chuckled

Scared?Luca teased and Gunner growled. Luca held up his hands in 


I thought he was dead, son, or I would have told you more about him.My father confessed

Ryley would have never let him hurt you or the boys,Walter added

We have more work back at the pack house. Are you still able to stay with her?I asked him

Of course, I’ll check on her and make her some tea. I’ll try to get her out of the house to take her mind off of everything that happened. Talking about the wedding makes her happy.I smiled. I was excited 





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