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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 151

288 Vouch 

Chapter One Hundred FiftyOne 

Luna Ryley 

Twenty weeks later 

I was walking around the lake behind the house. Well, more like waddling Baby was due any day now and I was hoping this would convince them to come out. I felt huge and everything ached. And I’ve been bored out of my mind since Blake won’t let me work. I’ve been off for the last four weeks, and the nursery is done and waiting for our pup 

to arrive

We decided to have both packs move to the city. It’s still a work in progress but I was able to get all the finances in order. We are just waiting for more housing. But everything seems to be coming together

I stopped to take a few deep breaths as my stomach tightened. I’ve been having contractions off and on but they never get worse. And they would go away

Luna, is everything alright?Connor asked me. Blake assigned his gamma to be my personal guard when I wasn’t with him

Yeah, just taking a breather.I sighed

Do you need to sit and rest? We could walk back now. Here, drink some water.He passed me the water bottle he was carrying. I took a long sip

Maybe we should head back.We both turned around and headed towards my home. About halfway there, a contraction hit so strong I doubled over, taking labored breaths


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Chapter One Hundred FiftyOne 

258 Vouchers 

Fuck, Luna, what’s wrong?Connor kneeled in front of me. The poor guy looked terrified

I think I’m finally in real labor,” I chuckled as the pain had subsided

Okay, what do I do?He exclaimed in a panic as I started to walk again. I needed to get home and to the hospital. It wasn’t far but I wasnt giving birth on a path in the woods by a lake

Just walk with me. Labor can take hours. Just breathe,I told him. I chuckled at the irony

Lily, how is everything?I asked my wolf

We are in labor. but it’s still early. I’ll take as much as I can.she hissed as another contraction hit. I stopped to take deep breaths until it subsided again

Blake,I called to him through the link

Baby, what’s wrong?His panicked voice filled my head

I’m out for a walk by the lake, and I’m in labor.I felt him close the 


I linked, Blake,I said to Connor as we walked slowly towards home

Luna, are you sure you are okay?” 

I’ll be better once this baby is out of me,I joked, before letting out a hiss. Fuck, this hurts

Ryley,” Blake exclaimed as he ran upon us

Blake, what are you doing?I gasped as he scooped me up into his 




Chapter One Hundred FiftyOne 

298 Vouchers 

I’m getting you to the hospital. What the hell were you thinking walking so far from home?He scolded as he rushed down the path toward home and the hospital

Blake, labor can take hours, even days. I would have made it, and walking would have kept my mind off the pain,I explained, before I groaned in pain again

Just breathe, baby. You got this.Blake assured me, as he kissed my cheek

Lily, why aren’t you helping?I scolded my wolf once the pain calmed down

I am helping. Baby just wants to come out.She whined. I knew she was in pain because I was

Damn it. this hurts,” I gritted out as Blake rushed into the hospital. By the time I was in a room and changed, I was unable to speak. The pain was too much and all I could do was try to breathe through the contractions that didn’t seem to stop

Luna, it’s time for you to push.the doctor said from between my legs

I think I’m done.” I groaned and Blake chuckled before kissing my forehead

Our pup is almost here, baby. You are doing so well. Don’t you want to meet them?Blake encouraged me. He has been great this entire labor but he can’t take the pain. And it was overwhelming

Just take deep breaths and with the next contraction, I want you to push as hard as you can, Luna,I nodded to the doctor

You got this, baby, you are the strongest person I know,Blake told me before I pushed with everything I had left in me

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