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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 62

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 62 – I hear him walk upstairs and I flick the TV on flicking through the channels. Cyrus watched TV with me for a bit before going to bed. I fell asleep while the TV was playing in the background, the noise soothing.

Waking halfway through the night, I toss the blanket off feeling rather hot. I try to get comfortable as I roll on the couch, the heat coming from the fireplace was overbearing and making me flustered, my skin feeling clammy and my clothes sticking to me. I could feel my skin heating and knew my face was flushed. I must be coming down with a fever. I felt like I was burning up and felt extremely thirsty.

Getting up, I stagger to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with cold water. The icy water soothing my sore throat and I greedily drank it down before pouring another glass. I felt extremely dehydrated as I gulped the water down. Walking back into the living room. I flopped on the soft lounge, but the heat from the fireplace was too much, making me toss and turn as sweat beaded on my body. My hair became drenched in sweat forcing me off the lounge so I didn’t ruin it’s plush fabric.

I force my legs up the stairs heading for the bathroom. The light blinding me as I flick on the light, the exhaust fan automatically coming on, the whining noise of it making a headache build behind my eyes as I turn the shower on. Leaning on the sink basin, I look in the mirror. My cheeks were flaming red. Definitely have a fever, my breathing heavy as I turned the taps on full blast needing to cool down.

Stripping my clothes off, I step under the icy cold water streaming from the shower head. I stand directly under it. Goosebumps were rising on my arms and I wasn’t sure if it was the fever or the water temperature. But no matter how cold the water was I found no reprieve in it. My temperature felt like it was climbing higher, and higher as I shoved my face under the harsh stream. The water belted my face making it sting but still it wasn’t enough. I felt like I Had been put in an oven.

The bathroom door creaking as it opens makes me look at the door. Eli walks in covered in sweat and dirt and I realise he must only just be getting home. He looks in the shower before ripping the door open.

“S**t! Are you okay Addie” He asks, placing his hand on my head and sniffing the air.

“You’re burning up,” He states but all I could think of was his hand touching my face as I leaned into his touch, the feeling of his warm skin soothing despite how boiling hot I felt. Sparks rushing over me as he steps in the shower making the fever ease.

Chapter 62 1


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