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Fifty Shades Darker (book 5) novel Chapter 155

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Oh, Ana, you sensual creature.

I amble over to her and gently tug her chin, releasing her lip. “What do you want to do, Anastasia?” I whisper, and plant a chaste kiss at the corner of her mouth, keeping my fingers on her chin.

“It’s your birthday. Whatever you want,” she breathes and her darkening eyes flick up to mine, full of promise.


She might as well be addressing my cock.

I skim my thumb across her bottom lip. “Are we in here because you think I want to be in here?”

“No. I want to be in here, too.”

She is a siren.

My siren.

In that case, let’s begin with the basics. “Oh, there are so many possibilities, Miss Steele. But let’s start with getting you naked.” I jerk the sash of her robe, undoing it, and it falls open revealing her silk nightdress.

I step back, and sit down on the arm of my chesterfield sofa. “Take your clothes off. Slowly.”

Miss Steele loves a challenge.

She slips the robe off and lets it fall like a cloud onto the floor, while her eyes stay on me. I’m hard. Instantly, as desire sweeps through my body. I run my finger over my lips to keep my hands off her.

She lifts both straps of her nightgown off her shoulders, watching me, watching her, and then drops them so her gown floats down her body to join the robe on the floor. She is naked before me in all her glory.

It makes a difference, her eyes on me.

It’s more exciting because I can’t hide anymore.

I have an idea, and stroll over to the chest of drawers to retrieve my tie from her gift box. Running it through my fingers, I walk back to where she’s patiently waiting. “I think you’re underdressed, Miss Steele.” I place it around her neck and quickly tie it in a half Windsor, but I leave the wider end long. My fingers brush her neck and she gasps, and I let the long end fall so that it skims the top of her pubic hair. “You look mighty fine now, Miss Steele.” I give her a swift kiss. “What shall we do with you now?” I murmur. Taking the tie in my hand, I tug it sharply and she’s forced into my arms. Her naked body against mine is like an incendiary device. My fingers are in her hair. My mouth is on hers and with my tongue I claim her.

Hard. Insistent. I’m taking no prisoners.

She tastes of sweet Anastasia Steele. My favorite flavor.

With my other hand, I cup her behind, feeling her fine ass.

When I release her, we’re both panting. Her breasts rising and falling with each breath.

Oh, baby. What you do to me.


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