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Fifty Shades Darker (book 5) novel Chapter 68

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“We’re doing that now, but we haven’t found anything yet.”

“We need to know how she got in.”

“Yes, sir. She’s not here now. We’ve done a thorough check, but I understand that until we’re certain that she can’t get in again you should stay away. I’m having all the locks changed. Even on the fire escape.”

“The fire escape. I always forget about that.”

“It’s easily done, sir.”

“I’m taking Ana to The Grace. We’ll stay on board if we need to.”

“I’d like to do a security check of The Grace before you get there,” Taylor says.

“Okay. I can’t imagine we’ll be there before one.”

“We can collect your luggage from the hotel after that.”


“And I’ve e-mailed Audi about a replacement vehicle.”

“Okay. Let me know how that goes.”

“Will do, sir.”

“Oh, and Taylor, in the future, we only need a one-bedroom suite.”

Taylor hesitates. “Very good, sir,” he says. “Will that be all for now?”

“No, one more thing. When Gail returns, can you ask her to move all of Miss Steele’s clothes and belongings into my room?”

“Certainly, sir.”


I hang up and sit back down at the dining table to finish the newspaper. I note with displeasure that Ana has hardly touched her breakfast.

Plus ça change, Grey. Plus ça change.

HALF AN HOUR LATER Ana and Dr. Greene emerge from the bedroom. Ana looks subdued. We exchange good-byes with the doctor and I close the suite door behind her.

“Everything okay?” I ask Ana as she stands, looking sullen, in the hallway. She nods but won’t look at me. “Anastasia, what is it? What did Dr. Greene say?”

She shakes her head. “You’re good to go in seven days.”

“Seven days?”


“Ana, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing to worry about. Please, Christian, just leave it.”

Normally I have no idea what she’s thinking, but something is troubling her, and because it’s troubling her, it’s troubling me. Maybe Dr. Greene warned her away from me. I tilt her chin back so we’re eye to eye. “Tell me,” I persist.

“There’s nothing to tell. I’d like to get dressed.” She jerks her chin out of my hand.


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