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Fifty Shades Darker (book 5) novel Chapter 81

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“That’s sad.”

Ana’s compassion knows no bounds. I tighten my hold on her. “Are you okay with all your stuff being here? I want you to share my room.”


“I want you sleeping with me. I don’t have nightmares when you’re with me.”

“You have nightmares?”

“Yes.” She squeezes me tighter, and we stand in my closet wrapped around each other.

A few moments later, she says, “I was just getting my clothes ready for work tomorrow.”

“Work?” I release her.

“Yes, work,” she says, confused.

“But Leila, she’s out there.” Doesn’t she get the risk? “I don’t want you to go to work.”

“That’s ridiculous, Christian. I have to go to work.”

“No, you don’t.”

“I have a new job, which I enjoy. Of course I have to go to work.”

“No, you don’t.” I can look after you.

“Do you think I am going to stay here twiddling my thumbs while you’re off being master of the universe?”

“Frankly, yes,” I respond.

Ana closes her eyes and rubs her forehead as if she’s calling on all her inner strength. She doesn’t understand. “Christian, I need to go to work,” she says.

“No, you don’t.”

“Yes. I. Do.” Her tone is forthright and determined.

“It’s not safe.” Suppose something happens to you?

“Christian, I need to work for a living, and I’ll be fine.”

“No, you don’t need to work for a living, and how do you know you’ll be fine?”

Fuck. This is why I like having submissives. This would not be an argument if she’d signed the fucking contract.

“For heaven’s sake, Christian, Leila was standing at the end of your bed, and she didn’t harm me, and yes, I do need to work. I don’t want to be beholden to you. I have my student loans to pay.” She places her hands on her hips.

“I don’t want you going to work.”

“It’s not up to you, Christian. This is not your decision to make.”


She’s made up her mind.

And of course she’s right.

I run my hand through my hair, trying to hold on to my temper, and eventually I have an idea. “Sawyer will come with you.”

“Christian, that’s not necessary. You’re being irrational.”

“Irrational?” I snap. “Either he comes with you or I will be really irrational and keep you here.”

“How, exactly?”

“Oh, I’d find a way, Anastasia. Don’t push me.” I’m about to explode.

“Okay!” she shouts, holding up both her hands. “Okay, Sawyer can come with me if it makes you feel better.”

I want to kiss her or spank her or fuck her. I step forward and she immediately takes a step back, watching me.


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