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Fifty Shades of Grey (book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 111

"We've already made serious misuse of your company's aviation fleet. I wouldn't want to do it again."

"It's my company, it's my jet." He sounds almost wounded. Oh, boys and their toys!

"Thank you for the offer. But I'd be happier taking a scheduled flight."

He looks like he wants to argue further but decides against it.

"As you wish," he sighs. "Do you have much preparation to do for your interview?"


"Good. You're still not going to tell me which publishing houses?"


His lips curl up in a reluctant smile.

"I am a man of means, Miss Steele."

"I am fully aware of that, Mr. Grey. Are you going to track my phone?" I ask innocently.

"Actually, I'll be quite busy this afternoon, so I'll have to get someone else to do it."

He smirks.

Is he joking?

"If you can spare someone to do that, you're obviously overstaffed."

"I'll send an email to the head of human resources and have her look into our head count." His lips twitch to hide his smile.

Oh thank the Lord, he's recovered his sense of humor.

Mrs. Jones serves us breakfast and we eat quietly for a few moments. After clearing the pans, tactfully, she heads out of the living area. I peek up at him.

"What it is, Anastasia?"

"You know, you never did tell me why you don't like to be touched."

He blanches, and his reaction makes me feel guilty for asking.

"I've told you more than I've ever told anybody." His voice is quiet as he gazes at me impassively.

And it's clear to me that he's never confided in anyone. Doesn't he have any close friendsPerhaps he told Mrs. RobinsonI want to ask him, but I can't - I can't pry that invasively. I shake my head at the realization. He really is an island.

"Will you think about our arrangement while you're away?" he asks.


"Will you miss me?"

I gaze at him, surprised by his question.

"Yes," I answer honestly.

How could he mean so much to me in such a short timeHe's got right under my skin... literally. He smiles and his eyes light up.

"I'll miss you too. More than you know," he breathes.

My heart warms at his words. He really is trying, hard. He gently strokes my cheek, bends down, and kisses me softly.

It is late afternoon, and I sit nervous and fidgeting in the lobby waiting for Mr. J. Hyde of Seattle Independent Publishing. This is my second interview today, and the one I'm most anxious about. My first interview went well, but it was for a larger conglomerate with offices based throughout the US, and I would be one of many editorial assistants there. I can imagine being swallowed up and spat out pretty quickly in such a corporate machine.

SIP is where I want to be. It's small and unconventional, championing local authors, and has an interesting and quirky roster of clients.


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