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Fifty Shades of Grey (book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 81

He smiles and his eyes glow with humor.

"Anastasia, I have crossed so many lines here tonight. I have to go. I'll see you on Sunday. I'll have the revised contract ready for you, and then we can really start to play."

"Play?" Holy shit. My heart leaps into my mouth.

"I'd like to do a scene with you. But I won't until you've signed, so I know you're ready."

"Oh. So I could stretch this out, if I don't sign?"

He gazes at me assessing, and then his lips twitch into a smile.

"Well, I suppose you could, but I may crack under the strain."

"CrackHow?" My inner goddess has woken and is paying attention.

He nods slowly, and then he grins, teasing.

"Could get really ugly."

His grin is infectious.

"Ugly, how?"

"Oh you know, explosions, car chases, kidnapping, incarceration."

"You'd kidnap me?"

"Oh yes," he grins.

"Hold me against my will?" Jeez this is hot.

"Oh yes," he nods. "And then we're talking TPE 24/7."

"You've lost me," I breathe, my heart is pounding... is he serious?

"Total Power Exchange - round the clock." His eyes are shining, and I can feel his excitement from where I sit.

Holy shit.

"So you have no choice," he says sardonically.

"Clearly." I can't keep the sarcasm out of my voice as my eyes reach for the heavens.

"Oh, Anastasia Steele, did you just roll your eyes at me?"


"No," I squeak.

"I think you did. What did I say I'd do to you if you rolled your eyes at me again?"

Shit. He sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Come here," he says softly.

I blanch. Jeez... he's serious. I sit staring at him completely immobile.

"I haven't signed," I whisper.

"I told you what I'd do. I'm a man of my word. I'm going to spank you, and then I'm going to f**k you very quick and very hard. Looks like we'll need that condom after all."

His voice is so soft, menacing, and it's damned hot. My insides practically contort with potent, needy, liquid, desire. He gazes at me, waiting, eyes blazing. Tentatively, I uncurl my legs. Should I run This is it, our relationship hangs in the balance, right here, right now. Do I let him do this or do I say no, and then that's itBecause I know it will be over if I say no. Do it! My inner goddess pleads with me, my subconscious is as paralyzed as I am."I'm waiting," he says. "I'm not a patient man."

Oh for the love of all that's holy. I'm panting, afraid, turned on. Blood pounding through my body, my legs are like jelly. Slowly, I crawl over to him until I am beside him.

"Good girl," he murmurs. "Now stand up."

Oh shit... can't he just get this over withI'm not sure if I can stand. Hesitantly, I clamber to my feet. He holds his hand out, and I place the condom in his palm. Suddenly he grabs me, tipping me across his lap. With one smooth movement, he angles his body so my torso is resting on the bed beside him. He throws his right leg over both of mine and plants his left forearm on the small of my back, holding me down so I cannot move. Oh f**k. "Put your hands up on either side of your head," he orders.

I obey immediately.

"Why am I doing this, Anastasia?" he asks.

"Because I rolled my eyes at you," I can barely speak.

"Do you think that's polite?"


"Will you do it again?"


"I will spank you each time you do it, do you understand?"


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