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Flash Marriage: Slow Down Mister novel Chapter 185

Standing beside his Land Rover, Logan looked up and said to Clara, "Get in the car, I'll take you back."

She shouldn't have gotten too close to Horace's enemy, but for some reason, Clara didn't hate Logan. She even had a feeling of indescribable closeness for him, so she agreed.

She also had a lot of questions about Logan, she would like to know something, and perhaps Logan can answer that.

Thinking of this, she nodded, Logan quickly opened the door like a gentleman, and let Clara sit in.

After sitting down, Logan quickly started the car.

On the way, Logan said, "Clara, I didn't expect that you are Aunt Helena's daughter."

Clara nodded and said, "Yeah, I didn't think my mom would know you either."

"I guess we have something in common."

Logan gave Clara a meaningful look. He found that Clara's profile was more beautiful than her front.

Logan turned to look at the road ahead, the red light, and the car stopped.

Logan suddenly said, "When I was young, Aunt Helena treated me very well and loved me very much. Unfortunately... It was cut short. I didn't expect to see her again today."

"I heard from my mom, and she told me a lot of things that happened when you were young."

"That I was naughty?"

Clara replied, "No, my mother said you were very well-behaved, and smart, she liked you a lot and Laura too."

Clara thought Logan would talk about Laura's past, but he didn't.

Logan seemed to be more interested in Clara and asked, "Where were you when Aunt Helens was working as a nanny at our house? Why didn't I see you once?"

"At the Middleton's," Clara explained. "My mother said you didn't like outsiders, so she sent me to the Middleton's."



"If it weren't for us, you probably wouldn't be living at the Middleton's House," Logan told her earnestly. "I know a lot about the Middleton, and I don't think they would be very nice to you."

"You were just a kid, anyway, it's all over now." Clara was starting to get over it, "After all, Horace gave them hell for what my stepmother did, so I don't hate them anymore."

The conversation was fine without mentioning Horace, but once she did, Logan turned into an alerted panther immediately.

Logan said stiffly, "Who can tell if Horace is doing it for you or for something else? Don't be so naive. Think of him so perfect. He's a hypocrite!"

Clara didn't like anyone badmouthing Horace in front of her, not one word.

Clara frowned. "Logan, don't get so excited when you mention Horace, okay? Do you really know the whole incident back then? Maybe it's not what you think."

"You are always so protective of Horace every time. Stupid girl!" Logan said mercilessly. "I've never seen such a stubborn woman like you. Stupid! You're so stupid!"

Clara thought it would be pointless to talk about it any longer.

She could only calm her tone, "Logan, let me off the car. I can walk back home."

Logan sensed the tension in the car. Clara must have misunderstood him. But in fact, he was not against her.

Logan said, "Please don't take me wrong. I do not hate you. I only dislike Horace."


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