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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 2


Connor lived not too far from the Irvings, just a twentyminute journey away. The rain was pouring down hard, and despite Flora holding an umbrella, she still got drenched

As she arrived, she just caught sight of a group of bodyguards packing up luggage

Connor’s trusted aides, Moss and Beck, were already loading two large suitcases into the car

Her heart skipped a beat. Luckily, she arrived just in time, or else he really would have left

As she approached, the bodyguards also noticed her

What is this bitch doing here?Beck’s face fell instantly

Damn it. She had pushed their boss down the stairs, breaking several of his ribs. He neart got crippled, and yet she had the audacity to show up

Let’s just ignore her. We’re leaving anyway.Moss also genuinely loathed Flora. Hearing this, Beck felt a bit better. Right, they were about to leave. As soon as their boss got a bit better, they would depart, never to see this woman again

They couldn’t understand what Connor saw in her. She’s clumsy and shrewish, always dressed up like a crazy person

They really despised Flora and had no intention of dealing with her, but as Flora kept walking towards them, they couldn’t just pretend she wasn’t there. When Flora was about two meters away from the villa’s iron gate, Moss stopped her, with a hostile expression

Flora halted, hesitating, I want to see Connor- 

You want to see him? What for? To see if he’s dead?” 

Beck thought of Connor, who’s still bedridden, and felt a surge of anger, his teeth grinding loudly really wish I could push you off the fifth floor and let you taste what it’s like to have all your bones broken!” 

Mosstone was also filled with annoyance. Ms. Flora, you better go back. Mr. Connor will soon leave Cedarvale and will have no more ties with you.” 

Upon hearing this, Flora became even more anxious

No! He couldn’t leave

She couldn’t help but look up towards the second floor

The wind was howling, blowing a corner of the curtain on the second floor, where Connor was. Maybe he was watching her right now. Flora knew she couldn’t leave now. If she did, Connor might sneak away 

Now that she got a second chance, she absolutely could not make the same mistakes again

Knowing Moss and Beck wouldn’t let her in, she gritted her teeth and shouted, Connor!” 


Her voice gradually grew hoarse, echoing again and again before being swallowed by the rain. However, Connor was inside and seemed indifferent

In the bedroom on the second floor, Connor was halfreclining in bed, his handsome features pale and his eyebrows furrowed, looking very tired

Flora’s voice reached him, time and again

He slammed his eyes shut, not wanting to listen

He didn’t understand what Flora meant. Moss had said they were about to leave, yet she still come to stop him. Did she want him to leave now

He was exhausted and really didn’t want to deal with her, but it was still raining outside. He had heard she was punished and made to kneel and was feverish… 

Connor was just about to feel pity and concern for her when he remembered how she had pushed him down the stairs for Aaron 

That moment of hatred in her eyes, stil vivid in his memory, chilled him

He shouldn’t pity her. He steeled his heart not to listen or care

After a few breaths, Connor resignedly picked up his phone and called Moss. Tell her to go back home. As soon as she leaves, I’ll leave 


He was leaving here. He wouldn’t be a bother to her anymore

If possible, he really didn’t want to leave, but Flora hated him so much. She even pretended to commit suicide to push him down the 


She really wanted him dead


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