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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 

Hey, young lady, you’re looking gorgeous.” Ray said with a playful grin, his eyes a mischievous twinkle

HelloFlora nodded

Ray frowned at her voice. Why did it sound like that beast

He quickly dismissed the thought. How could that ugly duckling compare to the beauty before him? Her skin was glowing, her lips fresh and plump like newly blossomed roses

He teased Connor, Look at you, fancying this type, huh!” 

Ray draped an arm over Connor’s shoulder winking, Did you have a change of heart? I always said that ugly girl wasn’t right for you. Look how much better this is, a handsome man and a beautiful lady, quite the sight.” 

Connor shot him a cold glance, but he remained unfazed, leaning back in his chair with an air of ease

A ugly girl?Flora’s lips twitched. Well, she indeed looked hideous back then

Gorgeous, don’t overthink it. That horrible creature couldn’t hold a candle to you,Ray said with a roguish charm. You’re so cute, if Mr. Connor hadn’t made his move, I might have pursued you-” 

Before Ray could finish, his mouth was stuffed. Connor fed him a peeled shrimp, his gaze holding a warning

Ray, unfazed, chewed on his shrimp, grinning at Flora, So, beauty, what’s your name?” 

Flora straightened up, meeting Ray’s gaze, and curved her lips into a sweet smile. I, am, Flora,” 

Oh, you’re Florawhat?!

suddenly choked on the lobster he hadn’t swallowed yet

He stared at Flora, persisting. The Flora I know?” 

Her smile was radiant, That would be me.” 

Ray fell silent. After a long pause, he blurted out, You had plastic surgery?!” 

Of course not. I’ve always been naturally beautiful, just underappreciated before, Flora huffed, disdainfully glancing at him.. 

Ray earnestly replied, With that shameless tone, I believe you’re Flora.” 

Flora ignored him, and ate another shrimp Connor peeled for her. She also forked a piece of barbecue to Connor’s mouth

The two of them shared their food, making Ray frown deeply. Was this woman on something today? Or was she plotting something

After dinner, Flora went to the restroom. Ray leaned back in his chair, eyeing Connor, his lips twisted in a smirk. So, you’re going to keep deluding yourself?” 

Connor meticulously dried his hands, every move exuding nobility. I don’t mind it he said coolly 

However, Ray 

y saw a fleeting softness in his eyes

The great Connor was wrapped around a girl’s fingers


voice cared a hint of mockery, Already forgotten the pain once the wound healed?” 

Connor glared at him dissatisfied

Ray shrugged, nonchalantly, Sult yourself. But if what happened last time occurs again, even if you stand in the way, I won’t let her off.” 

Ray was still smiling, his demeanor casual, but his eyes were serious

When Connor was pushed down the stairs, Ray was so mad that he actually wanted to finish Flora off

Don’t touch her, Connor had said

Connor knew his friend meant well, but Flora was offlimits to everyone

Ray scoffed, saying no more


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